XenCentral Multisite System

XenCentral Multisite System 1.11.0

No permission to buy (€69.99)
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.5
Additional requirements
XenCentral Framework 1.3.x (available in Client's Area)
Updates duration
1 year included in initial purchase. Extension fee 35.00 EUR/year.
Visible branding
Yes, but removable with payment
XenCentral Multisite System allows to create unlimited completely customized sites on single XenForo installation. Product allows to customize almost any aspect of XenForo installation for unlimited domains and subdomains. XC Multisite System makes it possible to create a network of communities where each site looks unique and behaves in its own way while still having the same administration, users, add-ons etc. (similar to concept of vB Cerberus for vBulletin). Addition of new sites and their customization are fully managed from administration (see below).

For questions, suggestions and feedback please do not hesitate to Contact us and we will handle them shortly. Enjoy! Thank you!

Important: Please make sure you read the XenForo License Agreement and any other add-on license agreements carefully and ensure you have the appropriate number of licenses to use this add-on. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact XenForo or the respective add-on developer.



Product is brought to you by XenCentral
Powered by DNF Technology

Features Overview

  • Product On/Off switcher
  • Options page tabbed interface
  • Cross-site login. Even if boards are running under completely different domains and do not share cookies, it is possible to synchronize login/logout between all configured sites/domains. This feature requires OpenSSL PHP extension to be installed.
  • Site-specific search. If enabled search results will contain threads only from nodes available for current domain.
  • Site name in search results. If enabled, and if search results contain threads not available under current domain, the name of domain of the thread/post will be shown in search results. For such nodes/threads/posts automatic 301 redirect happens and correct site is opened.
  • Set basic options for each site - site title, URL, description. URL is used to detect active site.
  • Set default style for the site, and option to force it (so the site can not be used with any other style).
  • Set default language for the site, and option to force it (so the site can not be used with any other language).
  • Set nodes available under each site. Nodes and their threads not available under particular site will be 301-redirected to final correct domain.
  • Override Options. This is a powerful system allowing to customize any XenForo option for particular domain. This way you change actually anything controlled from XenForo Options and fully customize your sites. Options are added/removed using AJAX and fully support original option's UI.
  • Content replacements. Allow to customize final output specifically for currently active domain, making possible to change the appearance of the site not only via changing the site, but also dynamically injecting different ads, new content blocks etc. Four modes of injection - simple replacement, regular expressions, appending to a template hook and prepending to a template allow to add your custom content actually anywhere, and two modes for the new content - raw HTML and rendering a template allow to have a content of any complexity. If regular expressions are used sub-patterns are available in replacement string or template.





Demo - XenCentral XenForo Demo Board First - XenCentral XenForo Demo Board Second

(as testing of product requires access to administration panel please send an email to sales [at] xencentral.com to get login credentials)

Here are some third-party addons with extended Multisite support:
  1. XenCentral Ad Server
  2. XenForo Resource Manager
  3. XenForo Media Gallery
  4. [SurreyForum] XenKingDir - Business / Links Directory
  5. XenZine Articles
  6. [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)
  7. [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta 2 (Portal)
  8. [8wayRun.Com] XenAtendo (Events)
  9. Nodes As Tabs
  10. [bd] Widget Framework
  11. XFA - Better Blogs
  12. Who Has Visited 24 Hours
  13. TaigaChat Pro
  14. [Extra] Portal
  15. [Tinhte] XenTag
  16. ******* - Store
  17. XFA - Social Groups
  18. [xR] XenReviews
  19. Showcase
Complete updated list here: http://forum.xencentral.com/threads/add-ons-supported-in-multisite-system.75250/

Please note, that the support is implemented in the way we considered appropriate (in most cases filtering-out category items based on domain). If you are not sure if it works the way you expect, please contact us in Support Desk and we will clarify how it works exactly for the addon you are interested in.

Support Forums - http://forum.xencentral.com/

Support Desk - http://desk.xencentral.com/

For any question, suggestion, feedback email us at sales [at] xencentral.com

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First release
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4.00 star(s) 7 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. XenCentral Multisite System 2.1.0 Beta 1 is Released

    XenForo 2.1 compatible Multisite System 2.1.0 Beta 1 is released. Resource link...
  2. XenCentral Multisite System 1.11.0 Released

    Hello everyone! This is the next release of XenCentral Multisite System 1.x. As mcrypt...
  3. XenCentral Multisite System 1.10.0 Released

    Hello everyone! This is the next release of XenCentral Multisite System. In this release we...

Latest reviews

Written by them, after I decide to take their installation service.


What we have reviewed tomorrow is a very strange behaviour that can only be caused by some server settings of your ngix server. Unfortunately, we do not have time at this moment to test the add-on on ngix server and to deeply analyze your settings that could cause such issues. Due to this we refunded your payment. You should uninstall both XenCentral Framework and Multisite System from your server. We are sorry the product didn't work for you.

If we'll have ngix server support tested, we'll update you, so if you are interested in product you may purchase it again.

Sorry for inconvenience again.

Thank you!
Hello! You didn't order our installation service, you ordered our add-on that didn't work on your server cause of your server configuration. We have refunded all your payments and explained the reason. Your feedback is inappropriate.
Glad to have contributed to this project. Very good mod. I appreciated it and i'm sure that @XCentral will improve everytime himself.
Pros: It seems to mostly work, some features like Xentag need updating to support the latest add-on releases as they don't work today
Cons: Very very very slow support, practically no answers on XF.com and support tickets on their site take a few days to answer if at all. Given the price I expected more from the authors. Hope this will improve in future.
Updated review. I'm still have a few issues with the implementation, but the developer has initiated contact with me including the willingness to log into my site and take a look, that's good service and shows they're working on their product to make it better ... or willing to help a customer out even when it's not their fault.
Does exactly what it says on the tin, and has worked for us flawlessly in production. Updates have been frequent and solid, and I'm yet to run into an extension that would have problems with working with Multisite system.

Even though I haven't run any vigorous testing, Multisite doesn't seem to have a negative effect on performance either.
This new version is LEGENDARY! Thanks for the implementation of my suggestions! Very recommended when you have multiple boards and you want an easier system to manage them.
Great addon with wonderful support! Hayk is an amazing coder and a very nice person.
Fantastic job. These guys are amazing :)
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