[WMTech] Post Guard (basic)

[WMTech] Post Guard (basic) 1.1.5

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Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.0
  2. 1.1
  3. 1.2
  4. 1.3
  5. 1.4
  6. 1.5
Commercial, Unpaid, Free License
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This add-on is now available in a fully-featured and easy-to-use >> Pro version <<

XenForo prevents users from creating posts with no content. However there may be other types of invalid posts that you wish to prevent.

This add-on allows you to specify invalid posts using regular expressions, or "post guards". If a user attempts to submit a post which matches one of your post guards, it will fail and they will receive an error message that you specify for that post guard. You can also set guards for thread titles.

  • In admin, go to Applications -> Post Guards -> Manage
  • Click Create Post Guard.
  • Give the post guard a Label which describes what it does, a Regex that matches an invalid post, an Error Phrase that should be returned to a user if the guard is triggered, and an Applies To to set whether the guard applies to post content or thread title content.
  • Create a phrase with the name you specified (Appearance -> Phrases -> Create New Phrase), with the desired content.
    Important: this phrase should NOT be made in Master with the Add-on field set. Only add the phrase to a subordinate language (e.g. English). Alternatively, you can add it to Master with the Add-on field left blank. This is to prevent phrase loss during add-on upgrades.
The regex should match PCRE (php) style.

Some useful regex may be listed in the FAQ for this resource.
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. v 1.1.5

    Product was taken over from Yugensoft. NO new features or bug fixes. No need to update your...
  2. v1.1.4

    Fix Narrowed title checking to new thread creation / title editing only
  3. v1.1.3

    Fix: Removed leading newline character

Latest reviews

With this addon you can force your members to post as you desire. For example use line breaks, no short posts, block links to specific sites, block specific terms, etc. The possibilities are endless. An error message will inform your members exactly what they need to do. It greatly improves post quality. I use this in combination with Post Friction on my big board.

Highly Recommended!
This addon works great agains spammer, in creating new post / even editing existing post. You just need to know the correct regex. Life safer for every admin.
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