Similar Threads

Similar Threads 5.3

No permission to download
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5

The Similar Threads add-on will do the following:
  • Show a list of similar threads when a user is creating a new thread
  • Show a list of similar threads when a user is viewing a thread
If you're using Enhanced Search I suggest using the Similar Threads Plus add-on located here:
(Example of Similar Threads shown during thread creation)


(Example of Options page)


(Example of User Group Permissions)


  • Forum view permissions honored. If a member doesn't have permission to view certain forums, Similar Threads will exclude those forums.
  • All phrases start with similarthreads_ for your convenience.
  1. Download and unzip it.
  2. Upload the Andy folder to your server. The correct location is library/Andy.
  3. From your Admin Control Panel, go to the "Install Add-on" page.
  4. Upload the addon-SimilarThreads_v5.1.xml file.
  5. Click the Install Add-on button.
User Group Permissions:

Normally you will want to set "Allow" for the following two user groups:

Unregistered / Unconfirmed

Question and Answers:

Q: Do I ever have to rebuild the search or thread indexes to use this add-on?
A: No.

Q: Are thread titles and posts searched?
A: Only thread titles are searched.

Q: Is the "View threads by others" set to Revoke honored?
A: No.
Sending a donation:

If you like this add-on, please consider sending a small donation.

Thank you.
First release
Last update


4.94 star(s) 77 ratings

More resources from AndyB

Latest updates

  1. See description

    On Jan 1, 2016 version 4.7 of this add-on was released to address an exploitable SQL injection...
  2. See description

    Similar Threads v5.3 changes: Fixed bug in code dealing with Create Thread.
  3. See description

    Similar Threads v5.2 changes: Updated code to be compatible with Quick Thread by AddonsLab.

Latest reviews

This add-on is perfect as I expected it to be. Furthermore, the support was very nice and helped me so fast.
This add-on is amazing for my community, help my moderators and admins to respect of thread all time.
Great add on, users love it. And to top it off, Andy is incredibly responsive on this and all of his addons to assist you in any way possible. Highly recommend
Thank you for this plugin. The best in the field! I use it all the time. No mistakes... I wish you success.
Yep, once again! My members immediately responded positively to this feature with great thanks in helping them find other threads they knew were there.
Awesome add on - works perfectly as expected! (when you are smart enough to remember to turn the permission to allow lol) - Great work and thanks for the contribution!
Awesome add-on, just what I needed. I believe this is one of the best and most useful add-ons in XF.
This is one of our most utilized add-ons, making it so easy and fast to identify Similar Threads. The fact you can pick just the same forum, or determine exactly which forums you prefer to exclude is a really nice feature. KUDOS on a job well done!
Great AddOn and a great addition to my Forum. Does what it supposed to do and gives the Users a much better experience. As always, great work by Andy.
This similar thread add on is awesome. Does exactly what it is supposed to do. Quick and clean install. Thanks!
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