Ban disposable or spam email hosts

Unmaintained Ban disposable or spam email hosts December 2018 Update

No permission to download
Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.0
  2. 2.1
MIT License
5,582 temporary (disposable/throwaway) domains to get rid off.

Navigate to the Banned emails page.
Admin Control Panel → Users → User discipline → Banned emails

Click on the Import button and select the banned_email_hosts_2018-12-19.xml file that is included in the zip archive.

Banned emails (a XF core feature)

this resource is supported and maintained
This list is derived from the MIT-licensed mailchecker by FGRibreau and disposable-email-domains by andreis.
Updates should happen on a once per month basis, maybe less frequently depending on my workload.

The following free domains are blanket banned: .tk .ml .ga .cf .gq
The list was increased from 5,318 hosts to 5,582 in the December update.

All hosts, that are of 5 characters or less, have the @ symbol prepended before the host (appended after the wildcard). Lengthier domains are evaluated without the @ symbol.
If you find this resource useful, please consider writing a review of 20 words or more.
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First release
Last update


4.93 star(s) 15 ratings

More resources from alexD

Latest updates

  1. Update [December 2018]

    The banned email list was increased from 5,318 hosts to 5,582 in the December update. If you...
  2. Update [October 2018]

    The following free domains are blanket banned: .tk .ml .ga .cf .gq The list was reduced from...
  3. Update [May 2018]

    Over 350 new hosts to ban.

Latest reviews

Loved vB's method, so this is nice. Downloaded and imported without a problem in about 3 to 5 minutes total. Did not stop once - Anyone whose import stops has low php setting(s) as often is the case with VPS. I do not encourage registrations except from serious people (tech forum). It may screen out a few serious people, but one can not expect 100% accuracy. Thanks for the file. Very much appreciated!
Actively updated and does the job. If you think this might be useful for you, it definitely is and you should use it.
After trying out various add-ons, this was the only one stopping spambots from daily registering multiple accounts.
Amazing! Lots of spam emails got banned from my forum!
Very quick and easy to import! Thank you for this banned email list ;)
Huge thanks back to you Federico for the kind review! The purpose of this list is to at least eliminate a significant number of spam registration attempts, I'm glad it works as expected for you!
dead simple to use and does exactly what it says. great addition to any forum, you should definitely use this!
Thank you for the optimal rating and for suggesting this resource to other administrators! I'm very happy your experience has been straightforward using it!
Imported it without problems now let's see how things will work out. My forum isn't live yet but I'm taking precautions before I do :)
Thank you for considering this resource and for your 5-star rating, best of luck going live!
I've replied to your issue in the Discussion thread, let me know if that solution worked for you.
This was exactly what I needed, I'm getting spammed daily and didn't know what to do. I just ran the import a few times and it all loaded. Thank for this.
Thank you for kindly reviewing my resource @msuccess!
It's good to know that the workaround brute-forcing the import worked OK!
Thank you so much for this. Thanks for putting in all the effort! Really saved me a lot of time on my own site.
I'm very glad you've found it useful @Dynamic! I really appreciate you taking the time to submit a review!￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸
I downloaded and installed it on XF2 2.0.7. I finally got all 7.3K banned emails imported but I had to keep importing the xml after it stopped 3 or 4 times, but it finally got them all (I think). I tried creating a few new accounts with some of the bogus emails and the registrations were stopped in their tracks. This is great.
Thank you for describing a workaround to your installation issue Eggnog!

Depending on the server specs, the web server and database configurations, it may be required to re-run the import a few times until all the records are inserted.
The list has grown quite a lot since the initial release and such complications can now be expected.
Reinstalled this with the May 2018 update, and it went through. The 'Unique' warning still showed, but checking the list by date showed a ton from this add on. This is vital, excellent work, and it would be nice if XenForo updates included such ( permanently ) banned lists. Let's face it, a bad email provider doesn't ever become good...
Thank you for updating your review Cleverhouse!
Please check my latest post [1] in the Discussion thread for a way to troubleshoot that error. It should require running a few SQL commands, but it's totally worth it IMO. Feel free to reply there or send me a message by other means if you get stuck at any point.

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