That's great and I think clear. The Trending addon works great, we don't need any support for it, it's purely access to any updates (especially if XF moves to 2.3 soon for example) that I wanted to make sure we maintained.

I don't want to derail things further but it'd be great to find out details of what addons are part of your subscription and I'm struggling to find that info (and I think you suggested some were private and never advertised on here). lists only 2 non-free XF2.x addons for example.

$1000/year just for Trending is a bit steep but if there were 4-5 key addons that we really wanted then I'd definitely consider it.
Good luck to Themehouse and their future endeavors, you've been good to us over the last decade.

To everyone else:

I'm always amazed by the people who claim that forums are dead. Forums are not dead, they are anything but. What is dead is the era of people who tried to make forums as quick get rich schemes. Businesses, groups, and other projects that require the decent organization of topics and information are using forums like xF and Discourse and similar software more than ever. Facebook and Discord did not kill forums, the market only simply adjusted and lured away all the people who didn't have the patience, the know-how, or the substance and content to maintain a dedicated stand-alone site.

I speak and am friends with some of the prominent devs and designers on and the "market" is not dying in terms of add-ons. What is changing however is the need for certain add-ons, what kind of support can be offered and expected for certain price tiers, and more importantly what the core software offers. XenForo is way more feature-rich than it was when it first came out over a decade ago from either introducing new features or incorporating existing addons. I mean the media gallery if I recall was brought in when @Chris D was hired, since he used to be just an addon maker and the gallery was one of his creations.

For everyone interested in making a forum, find a topic you are passionate about, whether it's cars, a video game, or anything really, don't worry too much about addons and just talk, post, and have fun. People will come. Everyone else is just releasing hot air.

Edit: I mean just in 2.2 we were able to remove about 30 addons because the core software removed the need for them.
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@Mike Creuzer: Would you maybe consider an offering of some kind (e.g. subscription) for smaller communities which costs more than 20 USD (which is not sustainable) but less than USD 1000+ a year (which is often just too much for smaller communities). Something more in the price range of 250 to 400 USD a year which might be more expansive than before but also more sustainable for you and still affordable for smaller communities?
Things like UIX and Nodes are still used quite a bit, so we'll be maintaining them. Nothing is really changing for you in that regard :) At some point we may stop maintaining them, but you've got time still.
Things like UIX and Nodes are still used quite a bit, so we'll be maintaining them. Nothing is really changing for you in that regard :) At some point we may stop maintaining them, but you've got time still.
You made my day. Thanks!
@Mike Creuzer: Would you maybe consider an offering of some kind (e.g. subscription) for smaller communities which costs more than 20 USD (which is not sustainable) but less than USD 1000+ a year (which is often just too much for smaller communities). Something more in the price range of 250 to 400 USD a year which might be more expansive than before but also more sustainable for you and still affordable for smaller communities?
Ultimately we are looking to help small communities as best we can. But they have to be serious about their community. And for that reason we don't allow just anyone to buy anyways. I recommend you contact us, I'm certain we can find some way to help.
Ultimately we are looking to help small communities as best we can. But they have to be serious about their community. And for that reason we don't allow just anyone to buy anyways. I recommend you contact us, I'm certain we can find some way to help.
Let's say I'm a teacher and I want to build a more flexible interaction with my students. Simple, provide lessons, quizzes, and discussions. I don't want to sell anything on it or pay for a membership. Do I have to pay 1000 dollars for TH?
Let's say I'm a teacher and I want to build a more flexible interaction with my students. Simple, provide lessons, quizzes, and discussions. I don't want to sell anything on it or pay for a membership. Do I have to pay 1000 dollars for TH?
Thats for support for a year as well. I try to remind people that the cost of development is not the issue, its supporting every issue everyone might have for a year. So, yes. My recommendation would be instead to use a different system. Even threads should work well for lessons. Quizzes can be done off platform with Google forms which is free. And discussion, well there you go. No need for lessons unless well you know you need something fancier.
Let's say I'm a teacher and I want to build a more flexible interaction with my students. Simple, provide lessons, quizzes, and discussions. I don't want to sell anything on it or pay for a membership. Do I have to pay 1000 dollars for TH?
This might be something you'd want to take a look at at some point:

Thats for support for a year as well. I try to remind people that the cost of development is not the issue, its supporting every issue everyone might have for a year. So, yes. My recommendation would be instead to use a different system. Even threads should work well for lessons. Quizzes can be done off platform with Google forms which is free. And discussion, well there you go. No need for lessons unless well you know you need something fancier.
Google Form does not accommodate the question form that I want.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog ….
[The picture must be here]

(a) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,  laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat
(b) Consectetur adipiscing elit
(c) Ssed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
(d) Gut enim ad minim veniam
(e) Quis nostrud exercitation ullamco

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur …..
A. (a) – (b) – (c)
B. (a) – (c) – (e)
C. (a) – (d) – (e)
D. (b) – (c) – (d)
E. (c) – (d) – (e)

This might be something you'd want to take a look at at some point:

That seems promising but is it possible to create a quesyion like that one?
Google Form does not accommodate the question form that I want.
Fo your usecase I'd take a look at open source LMS (Learning Management Systems), if you find one that meets your needs and has some kind of API/Plug-in system it shouldn't be too hard to connect this with XenForo for some kind of SSO.

I am pretty sure there are quite a few, especially due to Covid19.
That seems promising but is it possible to create a quesyion like that one?

Can't tell you offhand. I don't use that particular addon (no need for it), but be sure to give your example and ask Ozz in the support thread for the addon.
Thats for support for a year as well. I try to remind people that the cost of development is not the issue, its supporting every issue everyone might have for a year. So, yes. My recommendation would be instead to use a different system. Even threads should work well for lessons. Quizzes can be done off platform with Google forms which is free. And discussion, well there you go. No need for lessons unless well you know you need something fancier.
Sorry if this has been asked earlier but could you then sell themes and addons without support?
Sorry if this has been asked earlier but could you then sell themes and addons without support?
We already don't offer support for our free add-ons, but we did get a lot of support tickets regardless, and in the rare instances where we turned people away, we were mostly guaranteed to get bad publicity from it.

If were to have sold them the add-on, I would understand that. It's frustrating when you spend money on something and then can't use it, because the company you bought it from seemingly doesn't care.

I also generally think that if you sell something, you should take the responsibility to help the people that can't use it. Be it through support or refunds. And we've tried that, but it cost just so much more than we actually earned from it.
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