
Abstract+ [Paid] 2.2.15b

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Hello i just bought Abstract Light version, but after uploading the files to the right directory and importing the .xml i get a blank screen ?
Other themes work fine. I use Xenforo 2.1.1

Hi, i just bought the lite version and see, that there are color bugs (Xf.2.1.2), also on your demo. For example:

Hoverlinks are only shawn left to the date on mouse hoover. The Rest ist just black blackground


2. Pagination for Forums with more than one page of threads is just black:
(no numbers, only one mousover)

Can you fix it please?
Thanks, some things looks better now, but still some color bugs, i have found:

1. On threadlist, when threads have more than one page (in this example 2 pages and 3pages).


2. In Conversations, if a conversation has more than one page, one example with mouseover
(same as number 1)


3. Those things are at some part in xenforo, here for example the box on forumhome, if forum is closed and just watchable for admins:


Especially this kind of boxes is often in xenforo, where the link has nearly the same color as the backround and its just watchable after mouse over.

4. If i use Abstract-Settings and change the color in (for example) orange, it works all fine, but the pagination border will stay blue.


May be i will buy also another theme from you, i am just trying some layouts and look which i will use officially, thats the reason i found some of those things, because i test everything. May be this will help you to fix it. But yor themes are really nice :)
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Just another thing, i saw, when i upgaded my forum:

If the threadtitle on 1/3 view is to long, then the square and text goes out, without a clean finish


In 1/2 there is a clean finish for long threadtitles:

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