[Nobita] Social Groups (Teams/Guilds/Clubs)

Unmaintained [Nobita] Social Groups (Teams/Guilds/Clubs) 2.8.6

No permission to buy ($69.00)
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5
Additional requirements
sonnb-XenGallery (Optional)
XenForo Gallery (Optional)

Version 2.3.6+: Require XenForo 1.5+
Single installation per domain
Updates duration
$69/1y, $29 for renew (Apply with customer buy 1y extension)
Visible branding
This add-on has excellent features and friendly UI. It is compatible with most versions of XenForo (1.2, 1.3 and 1.4).

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Key features:
  • Ability to create unlimited categories and nested categories for groups.
  • Ability to create unlimited custom fields for each category. Custom fields then will be shown in group details.
  • Show custom field position, data types, create PHP callback for Fields,
  • Ability to group members and easily manage member roles and permissions in group.
  • Events. Each group has ability to create their own events.
  • Ability to create Gallery and Media. sonnb-XenGallery and XenMedia add-on are required.
  • Sub Forums.
  • Forum member permissions: easily manage forum member permissions. For example: create, delete groups, …
  • Avatar supported. Each group has ability to easily upload their avatar
  • Cover photos supported. Each group has ability to easily upload their cover
  • Display statistics for each groups.
  • Much more....

Group Category: many options available to manage groups:
  • Allow member to upload files
  • Default set group privacy, only apply to newly created groups.
  • Manage usergroup permissions to create groups in categories.
  • Manage group tabs (e.g. Member, About, Events,…), be able to temporarily hidden specific tabs.
  • Manage sub-forums. Each group has ability to choose their own Forums. Click here for more details about sub-forums.

Member Roles: manage member roles in each group
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  • Easy to create more roles
  • Easy to manage group member roles. For example: A member of Group A when being promoted to administrator will have administrator permissions such as removing a group member, promote a member, manage posts, etc. Moreover, this member is still able to have a managing permission in the Forum.
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  • Ability to attach files when creating events.
  • Ability to post comments in events.
  • Intelligent notifications: new events created, new comments posted, …
  • Easy to filter events: ongoing events, upcoming events and past event.
  • Friendly layouts with 2 options available: List or Calendar, default layout can be set in Options List (Options List-> [Nobita] Social Groups Options)
Gallery and Media: (This options required third-paty addons)
  • 2 supported addons available: sonnb-XenGallery và XenMedia. One of these 2 addons must be installed to make this feature works.
  • Use permissions from the third-party addon such as create, delete photos, media, etc as well as layouts
  • Easy to switch between two addons. Note: a gallery created by sonnb-XenGallery will not be able to view/use by XenMedia and vice versa.

Sub-Forums for Groups
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  • Each group will have their own forum to post their own threads and use XenForo sub-forums to archive these threads. These threads are shown to the public or not depending on group Privacy options.
  • XenForo sub-forums used in this feature are simply cloned then displayed in the group Forum tab. The group’s forum are able to use one or more specific XenForo sub-forums which can be created in each groups.
Group Privacy: Public, Closed và Secret. Each privacy option has its own settings.
  • Public Group:
    • Anyone can see the group
    • Anyone can see contents in the group
    • Shown in the group list
  • Closed Group:
    • Anyone can see the group
    • Only members can see contents in the group
    • Shown in the group list
  • Secret Group:
    • Only members and authorized users (set in User Group Permissions) can see the group and its content
    • Only authorized users (set in User Group Permissions) can create Secret Groups

Group invitations:
  • Send an invitation: Only Public and Closed Groups are supported. Each invitation sent, user will be received a notification. User can easily manage the invitations they received from Invited Groups page.
  • Add users to group: Only Secret Groups are supported. This feature allows authorized members to add an user to the group without their permission.
  • This feature is managed in Member Group Permissions, only users given “Invite people to group" permission can use the feature.

Group NewsFeed: including Public, Member và Admin Newsfeeds
  • Public Newsfeed is displayed to the Public
  • Member Zone is only for group members.
  • Admin Zone is only for group admins. Staff members are set in Member Roles setting by enabling "Display as Staff" option.
Group Statistics: Display statistics for each groups. The features is helpful to all group owners want to tracking their group. This features support almost content within groups.
  • Posts and Comments in each wall (Member wall, Staff wall)
  • Threads and Posts which posted in group.
  • Events
  • Members
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Manage Tabs in Groups: As default, there are multiple tabs displayed. But this feature has ability to temporarily hidden specific tabs in group. As mentioned above, you can disable any tabs for any categories. Each feature will be displayed as a tab, so disabling a tab means disabling a feature.
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Notification system:
  • Notification Alerts can be turned on/off. Each member has ability to choose either Forum Alerts or Email. You can find this feature in group navigaton.
  • Status Alerts. If this option is enabled, you will received notifications when a status posted in newsfeeds. This option only works when notification alerts are on.

Group User Banning is similar to XenForo User Banning. This feature now only allows admin to ban a user for certain period of time.

Other features:
  • Ability to set one or more groups become Featured Groups
  • Ability to transfer ownership to another user
  • Login reminder: send messages to inactive members. (Manage in Options->Membership-<Reminder cutoff date)

Route: Primary role is “Groups” set as default. But this feature allows you to interchange among:
  • Groups
  • Teams
  • Guilds
  • Clubs

Import from other platform:

License: There are 2 purchasing options available:
  • $69 for 1-year license
  • Note: One license per forum. You can renew expired license with only $29. This discount is only for 1-year license.
First release
Last update


4.45 star(s) 29 ratings

More resources from truonglv

Latest updates

  1. Version 2.8.6 released!

    # 2.8.6 * Fixed some icons outside of tile (#Ref: https://nobita.me/threads/1662/) * Dropped use...
  2. Hotfix!

    Fixed some errors.
  3. Version 2.8.2 released!

    Notable Changes: Fixed forums tabs still show on closed groups for guest. Fixed users has grant...

Latest reviews

Lack of any real support for this addon is why I'm given it a terrible Rating. We paid $69.00 for this addon, and like other said one of the reasons we bought xenforo was due to this addon. Unfortunately we've experience the same problems as other when trying to add forums to the social groups. I've ask for help repeatedly on there forum and by starting a conversation. But so far haven't received any thing worthy of a real effort to help.

I wouldn't recommend this addon at this time. In fact were going to purchase Snog Social Group so we don't waste any more time with someone that can't support a paying customer.
I'm pretty happy with the add-on overall. As the previous comment says so well, it lacks a simple explanation.

As for the nodes, I do not encounter any worries. Creating forum without problems.

The or for me is the least clear is the role of the various members, within the group forum. But aside from that, no problem.

I associate myself with the previous comment, to have documentation on the latest version, simple and clear.
It is completely baffling to me as to why this addon has so many good reviews. It is so woefully broken that I have been unable to get it working on a production website after FOUR MONTHS of trying. I cannot even create forums for group discussions to go in, and the system for setting up forum nodes for this addon is extremely backwards and makes no sense at all. The addon author sometimes takes weeks or even MONTHS to reply to issues. I literally had to harass the author both on XF and their personal xenforo site for THREE MONTHS before my issue was even replied to, much less fixed.

Second, there is ZERO *relevant* documentation. None. Anything I could find was extremely old and no longer worked for the latest version. So you're completely on your own when it comes to setting this addon up on your website. Combined with the issues listed below, I cannot even fathom how anyone has been able to install this addon and I've been using XF since it was in beta.

Third, English is not the author's first language, which is fine except for the fact that all the options and documentation are in such broken English that it's really difficult to understand what some of the options in the admin panel actually do.

Fourth, when the author finally did reply it took weeks to sort out the bugs it had with even core XF addons like XFMG, much less any other addons.

Last, this addon is WAY too expensive considering the lack of documentation, confusing settings, the mind-bogglingly backwards setup of forum nodes, and virtually zero support whatsoever.

If you're considering purchasing this addon I would encourage you to run far, far away in the opposite direction and maybe try Snog's addon instead.
Excellent add on. Very comprehensive with tons of features and the styling is pretty good.

I've knocked one star off for now as there are certain parts that still feel unfinished, like the events system.

There are also a few minor UI issues out of the box that I feel could be improved.

Recently Nobita has been very responsive to bug reports and suggestions, so hopefully the next version will be even better.

Keep up the good work, it's a great group system that has potential to be even better. Please continue to add features and improve it :)
This is a quality addon. Nobita's support and responsiveness to fix bugs is top notch and I'm a happy customer.
You don´t know what you get until you have it installed. Damn, this is a must-have I have no idea how I´ve missed that for over a year. Genius inside!
Nobita Social Group is the reason I decided to migrate my Vb4.2 to Xenforo. We are a meet up forum and revolve around groups and only Nobita's addon get close to what we need. The last 10% is custom.

I have to applaud him for reponding quickly to bugs. I can only say this is a fantastic addon. Would be even better if we can sort groups by countries and users are able to see the groups nearer to him physically.

Overall, I am very impressed!
Really nice addon and great for people who wants to make a group with some off-topic, also the owner of the addon is really helpful and updates reguarly
Latest version is absolutely amazing and exceeds all my expectations. My members love it, and it's smoother and faster than originally.
This is superb!
Top Quality add-on from Excellent developer
Also he is very active and supportive. you never left alone
I am so happy with this purchase
Thank you Nobita
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