XF 2.0 installing add ons



Can you explain to me where you install in the add ons? I can't get my add on to show up in the panel for installation.

Let's say my my forum is: public_html/forum

Do I just install all the files in this directory?
Typically you need to FTP the add-on directory to:

public_html/forum/src/addons/{developer name}
That is incorrect.

As the manual states:
Once you have downloaded the add-on you want, you should unzip the file locally. Inside it, you will see an upload directory, just like when XenForo was installed. You'll be uploading the contents of this directory.

Using your FTP client, navigate to the XenForo root directory on the server, and upload the contents of the upload directory into it. Ensure that you "merge" with the existing contents on the server.
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