[DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

[DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare® 1.8.2

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They are also getting rid of Auto Minify in August 🤷‍♂️.

To gain anything out of minification (html, javascript, css, etc.) it must be done on your own server prior to reaching Cloudflare. Minification by itself has never been a great performance improvement, but if done on your own server, could have a slight performance gain.

Cloudflare has advanced a lot recently and now offers full encryption and compression (gzip & brotli) end-to-end. Any type of minification that takes place on Cloudflare servers now will cause worse performance for your site. This is why "Auto Minify" is already deprecated and going to be removed soon.

Any server interested in site performance compresses data prior to sending it. In order for Cloudflare to minify your content, Cloudflare must first decompress the data, then minify it, and then recompress it. In this process any slight performance gained from the minification process is totally lost to the performance hit taken by decompressing and recompressing the data.
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