[DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

[DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

No permission to download
@digitalpoint Ok... all of my images are working now... but now I can't upload new images. They look like they are uploading... but then they don't appear. When I check R2... they are not there.
Same question... did you check your server error log?

Yes... there is nothing there now if I try to upload a new image... they just don't appear.

If I go into AdminCP and look at "content >> attachments" and I click on an attachment... then it triggers an error... but the error is only in the AdminCP... the images all work on the front side.

Here is the error...

Server error log
League\Flysystem\FileNotFoundException: File not found at path: attachments/5/5566-357beb173e0f3c18a6af40900efd67e6.data src/vendor/league/flysystem/src/Filesystem.php:389
Generated by: JBS Jan 10, 2024 at 5:03 PM
Stack trace
#0 src/vendor/league/flysystem/src/Filesystem.php(194): League\Flysystem\Filesystem->assertPresent('attachments/5/5...')
#1 [internal function]: League\Flysystem\Filesystem->readStream('attachments/5/5...', Array)
#2 src/vendor/league/flysystem-eventable-filesystem/src/EventableFilesystem.php(431): call_user_func_array('League\\Flysyste...', Array)
#3 src/vendor/league/flysystem-eventable-filesystem/src/EventableFilesystem.php(395): League\Flysystem\EventableFilesystem\EventableFilesystem->callFilesystemMethod('readStream', Array)
#4 src/vendor/league/flysystem-eventable-filesystem/src/EventableFilesystem.php(154): League\Flysystem\EventableFilesystem\EventableFilesystem->delegateMethodCall('readStream', Array)
#5 src/vendor/league/flysystem/src/MountManager.php(345): League\Flysystem\EventableFilesystem\EventableFilesystem->readStream('attachments/5/5...')
#6 src/XF/Admin/View/Attachment/View.php(25): League\Flysystem\MountManager->readStream('attachments/5/5...')
#7 src/XF/Mvc/Renderer/AbstractRenderer.php(91): XF\Admin\View\Attachment\View->renderRaw()
#8 src/XF/Mvc/Renderer/Raw.php(39): XF\Mvc\Renderer\AbstractRenderer->renderViewObject('XF:Attachment\\V...', '', Array)
#9 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(460): XF\Mvc\Renderer\Raw->renderView('XF:Attachment\\V...', '', Array)
#10 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(442): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->renderView(Object(XF\Mvc\Renderer\Raw), Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View))
#11 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(402): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->renderReply(Object(XF\Mvc\Renderer\Raw), Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View))
#12 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(60): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->render(Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View), 'raw')
#13 src/XF/App.php(2487): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run()
#14 src/XF.php(524): XF\App->run()
#15 admin.php(13): XF::runApp('XF\\Admin\\App')
#16 {main}
Request state
array(4) {
  ["url"] => string(53) "/admin.php?attachments/gymnastics-grips-jpg.8894/view"
  ["referrer"] => string(46) "https://chalkbucket.com/admin.php?attachments/"
  ["_GET"] => array(1) {
    ["attachments/gymnastics-grips-jpg_8894/view"] => string(0) ""
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {
@digitalpoint Just noticed a second thing. If I upload a new image... it shows in the attachment browser in the AdminCP if I click on it... but not on the front side of the site.

I have something messed up somewhere just not sure were. As I mentioned... I just switched over to Xenforo Cloud.
@digitalpoint Just noticed a second thing. If I upload a new image... it shows in the attachment browser in the AdminCP if I click on it... but not on the front side of the site.

I have something messed up somewhere just not sure were. As I mentioned... I just switched over to Xenforo Cloud.
Ya not sure what’s going on. Maybe go through setting up R2 from scratch… like disable and reenable it. You won’t lose anything it will just let you pick your bucket again. Maybe some setting is mucked from transferring servers?
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The move to R2 has been going great for the last week, I love all the extra space.

However, every few hard refreshes some avatars will still disappear. Not all, just some. When this happens, going to the broken avatar's source data.domain.com/avatars/s/243/2430.jpg url shows a 404,

"This object could not be viewed
You are not authorized to view this object

This object does not exist or is not publicly accessible at this URL. Check the URL of the object that you're looking for or contact the owner to enable Public access."

but after a few hard refreshes it will load fine. The next day, same issue.

Where should I begin looking to debug this?
Avatars normally have a number in the URL that corresponds to when they were updated. If you change that number to something (anything) else does it work? Sounds like an edge caching issue to me.
Avatars normally have a number in the URL that corresponds to when they were updated. If you change that number to something (anything) else does it work? Sounds like an edge caching issue to me.

Yes changing the number loads the image. I have both options for edge caching off.

It wouldn't be anything server-side would it? Since the data.domain.com is set at the dns level, my nginx config and redis cache aren't likely to interfere
I was wondering if Cloudflare's "Crawler Hints" could actually hurt your site's SEO. After a little research it appears the answer is yes, and not only that it appears it can also expose private urls to search engines.

"Crawler Hints" is still in beta and some of the same issues have been reported for over 2 years now with it. Just beware of the possible issues before thinking about turning it on.

and many more negative experiences with "Crawler Hints" posted here...


I know this has nothing direct to do with this app, but I'd hate to see anyone have issues with their sites because they turned this option on. It appears by default this option is still turned off in this app and it is still shown as a beta option. It also appears there is a reason why Cloudflare has kept this option in beta for well over 2 years now. I would suggest you turn it off or keep it off until there are some more positive reports surrounding its' use.
Not really something the addon is designed to do. You would want to use an addon that is designed for backup/restoration of files/database, and there’s certainly no reason you couldn’t use R2 for its backup location.
Yeah it's command line.
done. How can I be sure it's working on R2?

My images are broken before, but now it's shows fine

I Saw now the adress for my avatars Is data.domain.com and for attachements it IS domain.com/attachements. IS this correct?

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