xf2 upgrade

  1. Live Free

    XF 1.5 Upgrade Planning: Data Preservation & Third Party Add-Ons

    Hey guys, I need help in determining how to handle third-Party plug-in data in planning an upgrade to 2.x, as well as understanding how data generated by third party plug-ins is handled when the plug-in is uninstalled, deactivated, or orphaned prior to or during an upgrade to 2.x. This doesn’t...
  2. danger@

    Fixed XF2 upgrade from XF1 - zlib extension dependency

    I was just performing an update of XF1 to XF2 on a test instance, and have came across a little problem. Once I accessed the /install/ directory the page crashed with "cannot decode raw data" error (NSURLErrorDomain:-1015) in Safari and Chrome reported ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED. The problem...
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