widget position

  1. Mr Lucky

    Lack of interest Forum list: Above nodes widget position should be above Forum List title

    Forgive me if this is as designed and there is a better argument for it being the way it is. The widget in position Forum list: Above nodes shows below the Forum List title. This seems wrong because the implication by being under the title is that the widget is part of the actual forum list...
  2. O

    Widget Positions for Category Pages

    Nicolas FR submitted a new resource: Widget Positions for Category Pages - Adds two widget positions on category pages: one above and one below the main content. Read more about this resource...
  3. Ozzy47

    Unmaintained Widget Positions for Category Pages 2023-04-19

    Adds two widget positions on category pages: one above and one below the main content. Note : To display a widget on a particular category page use the following conditional statement: $xf.reply.containerKey == 'node-ID' replacing ID with the category id.
  4. O

    Widgets Between Category Nodes

    Nicolas FR submitted a new resource: Widgets Between Category Nodes - A simple add-on which allows to display widgets between forum categories. Read more about this resource...
  5. Ozzy47

    Unmaintained Widgets Between Category Nodes 2023-04-19

    A simple add-on that allows widgets to be displayed between forum categories on the homepage. 5 positions are configurable in the options with the possibility of hiding/displaying widgets according to user groups. OPTIONS: Set the category IDs under which you want to assign widget positions and...
  6. Ladegro

    Fixed Widget with memberstat not showing

    I'm trying to do the following: Certain forums are restricted to a small group of users, since confidential documents are being discussed. For optimal transparency, we'd like to display in a widget which users have access to the forum. My idea was to create a memberstat based on group membership...
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