
  1. Old Nick

    XenForo Ressource Manager - FRENCH translation [Paid]

    Nikodak submitted a new resource: XFRM 2.2 FRENCH Translation - Full French translation for XFRM 2.2 Read more about this resource...
  2. Ozzy47

    XenForo Ressource Manager - FRENCH translation 2023-04-19

    French translation of the official XenForo Ressource Manager add-on. Fully translated (ACP & Public view) Spelling and grammar verification, no word-for-word translation from google
  3. ModdyLP

    Add Ressource Editors

    Hello can you add in the next version, that ressources can be edited by other users, which the owner speciefied by creating the ressource? I mean that you can give other users access to edit your ressource. Best Regards ModdyLP
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