import tools

  1. V

    XF 2.2 vB5 to XF2.2.4, running importer 1.4.1 in docker

    Hi all, I'm running an import with importer 1.4.1 in a docker container setup to migrate a vBulletin forum. The vBulletin SQL dump is around 900MB to give an indication of the size. I have the following setup to migrate: version: '2' services: php: image: xfrocks/xenforo:php-apache...
  2. xTrisx

    XF 2.0 Import from SMF 2.0.15 to Xenforo 2

    Hello, I just bought Xenforo 2 yesterday and now, I was just done setting it up on our web host. Now, I want to import our existing SMF 2.0.15 forum to the newly installed Xenforo 2. When I checked the Import option, I can't find SMF, only vBulletins. Is there really no workaround for this? I...
  3. Soul Fighters Academy

    MG 1.1 Import YouTube Playlist or Channel Feed?

    Hello we have a large YouTube Channel where we have certain videos in playlists that we want displayed. I could have sworn I saw the possibility to import those videos via Media Gallery. Any suggestions?
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