
  1. C

    CoinPayment Paygate

    Hi, unfortunately I can't find an executable addon on the net to integrate into our system. it should be integrated as an additional paygate. Regards Sven
  2. cloudpro

    GoURL Crypto Intergation

    Hello We are looking for someone with knowledge of Xenfro 2 that can provide an integration with GoURL. Specifically the membership option in the URl below. Let us know.
  3. nanocode

    Unmaintained Coinbase Commerce Integration 1.0.2

    This Coinbase Commerce integration allows you to accept cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash. Give your users more payment method choice, and protect yourself from fraud and chargebacks, by accepting cryptocurrencies. About Coinbase Commerce Coinbase...
  4. Muhammet Balun

    XF 2.0 Which extensions can we use for the bitcoin forum

    Which extensions can we use for the bitcoin, ethereum and altcoin forum.. XenForo compatible. addon,widget,api or.. XF2.0.1
  5. Alpha1

    Not planned Stripe Bitcoin

    Please implement Stripe Bitcoin payments into XF2. Bitcoin is getting more popularity and it is really nice to have this. The instructions are here:
  6. Tijo J. Kurian

    XF 1.5 Need help

    Hello, Can someone please help me out, I have started a forum website 2 days ago in which I want to add a page for bitcoin which I don't know how to make it look something like this. Thank you in advance, hope I have posted in the right section.
  7. beanfan78

    User Upgrades Payment Solutions & BitCoin

    Not sure if this is the right place for this, but certainly falls under forum management. What can you use to pay for user upgrades when your niche doesn't allow you to use PayPal, Stripe, BitPay, and other payment processors? I have found no answers in the last year of actually researching...
  8. ekine

    Bitcoin is now mainstream - Add Bitcoin as a payment option

    It would be great if the digital currency "Bitcoin" would be added as a form of payment. This would eliminate the problem of chargebacks. Here are some solutions: 1. Bips 2. Bitpay 3. Bitmonet There are already wordpress plugins which lets you monetize digital content.
  9. XFA

    [XFA] Bitcoin ATM 2.0.0

    Description Provide your user with a page to search for Bitcoin ATMs. Install/Uninstall instructions The readme is available HERE.
  10. C

    Alternative Payment for licence, not paypal please

    Hi, I ran into trouble with paypal a long long time ago and since then my card has always been suspended with their service. The trouble i ran into was i had a donate button on a website community which also had some adult humor on it, and due to their strict policy any adult content cannot be...
  11. Liam W

    Unmaintained Bitcoin BBCode 1.0.0

    I just made this for XF Liam, and I thought I might as well release it :) It's a bbcode. It's used the following way: address This is translated into a BBCode button that uses a Bitcoin URI, or, for text rendering, a line of text telling the user to send bitcoins to the address. The...
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