Recent content by vbuser

  1. vbuser

    Content Ratings [Paid]

    Sorry, I completely forgot there's 2 separate plugins. Thanks.
  2. vbuser

    Content Ratings [Paid]

    I tried uninstalling v. 2.5.3 and ran into trouble when rebuilding the reaction cache for albums I think. Reinstalling solved the problem. Do you have any suggestions: Fatal error: Trait "SV\ContentRatings\Stats\Ratable" not found in...
  3. vbuser

    XF 2.2 Bounce connection error: cannot connect to host ; error = fsockopen()

    Fixed. Looks like the certificates were self signed. It stopped once they were replaced.
  4. vbuser

    XF 2.2 Bounce connection error: cannot connect to host ; error = fsockopen()

    "Unable to connect to ssl://" I recently moved to from CentOS to Almalinux. My SSL certificates are up to date. I'm not sure why this happened Previous ErrorException: fsockopen(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:1416F086:SSL...
  5. vbuser

    XF 2.2 Error log "File name too long"

    It looks like google crawled my site and read one of the posts. It looks like it's interpreting the thread as part of the url. [Sat Jul 18 03:48:27.893756 2020] [core:error] [pid 31430] (36)File name too long: [client] AH00036: access to /forum/I work second shift and get...
  6. vbuser

    XF 2.1 Trouble with restoring database during move

    I followed the instructions for backing up and restoring xenforo but encountered a problem installing the database on the new server. It said something like the database user @ localhost didn’t have permission with password. I was able to complete the install using cpanel’s database restore...
  7. vbuser

    [OzzModz] Country Flags by IP Address

    I understand we need a maxmind key but what exactly am I purchasing at maxmind?
  8. vbuser

    Not a bug Please delete this thread. I made a mistake.

    EDIT: I made the status change, not the forum. Please delete. Email confirmation message causes rejected status Apparently the user's old email was no longer valid. User logged in and updated email then forum validates new email. Forum sends confirmation email to old address which is no...
  9. vbuser

    [OzzModz] OS/Browser Display for XenForo [Paid]

    Thanks. It's not a big deal. I have Xon's Signup abuse, Content Ratings and Andy's First Post email installed. I'm also using Cloud Flare which I'm a novice at.
  10. vbuser

    [OzzModz] OS/Browser Display for XenForo [Paid]

    It appears the browser/machine info isn't correct in the conversations. I've seen it twice where my info is being replaced by the person I'm in conversation with. If I check my info in a regular forum it is correct.
  11. vbuser

    Signup abuse detection and blocking [Paid]

    Your plug-in is working fine but i have a question. I have a troll using seemingly normal ISP’s through various locations in the US and GB. I’m wondering how they accomplish this?
  12. vbuser

    [OzzModz] OS/Browser Display for XenForo [Paid]

    Suggestion. Could you update the tool tips to match your flags plugin for a more uniform appearance? Thanks for the plugin!
  13. vbuser

    XF 2.1 InvalidArgumentException: Accessed unknown getter 'sv_rating_type' on XF

    Run the SQL query Xon mentions in the plugins discussion about a week ago.
  14. vbuser

    Cloudflare Page Rules for admin directory

    There's a cloudflare page recommending no caching for the admin directory. I set the rule up like this: URL = ** Cache Level = Bypass Security Level = High Does this look good? I'll do this for install directory as well. I'm also planning to purge caching and switch to...
  15. vbuser

    Need help site running Cloudflare with cPanel

    My mail was working again after getting the SSL in my site's name. I didn't realize cloudflare's free certificates weren't.
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