Recent content by TürkBinGazi

  1. TürkBinGazi

    XF2 [8WR] XenRio 2 (Streams) PRO [Paid]

    For Twitch is it possible to make a similar add-on ?
  2. TürkBinGazi

    XF2 [8WR] XenRio 2 (Streams) PRO [Paid]

    Hey @Jaxel; Can you add filtering by country? Streams from the selected country will be shown by default, and other countries will be shown at the bottom!. A sample site:
  3. TürkBinGazi

    XenCentral Multisite System 2 [Paid]

    ErrorException: [E_NOTICE] Undefined index: domain_id src/addons/XenCentral/MultiSite/Service/XF/PushNotification.php:41 Generated by: EmreE Jul 29, 2019 at 5:04 PM Stack trace #0 src/addons/XenCentral/MultiSite/Service/XF/PushNotification.php(41): XF::handlePhpError(8, '[E_NOTICE] Unde...'...
  4. TürkBinGazi

    XF2 [8WR] XenRio 2 (Streams) PRO [Paid] Forum list: sidebar
  5. TürkBinGazi

    Comment by 'TürkBinGazi' in media '19 Mayıs Atatürk'ü Anma Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı'

    Büyük önder Atatürk’ün gençlere armağan ettiği kurtuluş mücadelemizin ilk adımı olan 19 MAYIS ATATÜRK’Ü ANMA GENÇLİK VE SPOR BAYRAMI’nın 100. yılını en içten dileklerimle tüm ulusumuz adına kutlarım. Saygılarımla. Mustafa A.
  6. 19 Mayıs Atatürk'ü Anma Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı

    19 Mayıs Atatürk'ü Anma Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı

    Büyük önder Atatürk’ün gençlere armağan ettiği kurtuluş mücadelemizin ilk adımı olan 19 MAYIS ATATÜRK’Ü ANMA GENÇLİK VE SPOR BAYRAMI’nın 100. yılını en içten dileklerimle tüm ulusumuz adına kutlarım. Saygılarımla. Mustafa A.
  7. TürkBinGazi

    Color changing staff banner (Rainbow staff banner)

    TürkBinGazi submitted a new resource: Color changing staff banner (Rainbow staff banner) - Color changing staff banner (Rainbow staff banner) Read more about this resource...
  8. TürkBinGazi

    Unmaintained Color changing staff banner (Rainbow staff banner)

    Add these codes to the (Extra.less) template .userBanner--staff {font-weight:bold;background-image: linear-gradient(210deg, #8F343A, #26A65B, #1C86EE, #FFBE1C, #176093, #7AF26D, #8E44AD, #CC6600, #CF4D35, #E0EEEE)!important; background-size: 1200% 1200%!important; -webkit-animation...
  9. TürkBinGazi

    Prefix (Önek)

    Font Awesome Icons changed according to xF2.1 version. The font has been changed to 'Play'.
  10. TürkBinGazi

    Banner-Rank (Afiş)

    For the XF2.1 version, Font Awesome Icons and Font(as 'Play') have been updated.
  11. TürkBinGazi

    [TH] User Improvements [Deleted]

    He added 2.1 to the compatible XF version, no problem now :)
  12. TürkBinGazi

    [TH] User Improvements [Deleted]

    Is xenforo available in version 2.1?
  13. TürkBinGazi

    Install and Upgrade

    Server error log InvalidArgumentException: Job ThemeHouse\InstallAndUpgrade:GetProducts: Attempted to convert NULL to string/binary [description] src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php:740 Generated by: Unknown account Apr 10, 2019 at 3:55 PM Stack trace #0 src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php(618)...
  14. TürkBinGazi

    Fixed File does not appear to be a valid add-on archive as expected

    I got this error when installing this add-on. I did unzip, and then again zipped. Problem solved. I think it's a problem in compressing the add-on The content of some compressed folders does not appear and I've observed that the add-ons in this case have problems. @XDinc
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