Recent content by The Cyst

  1. The Cyst

    XF 2.2 Changing username to random usernames

    So to clarify you want a database of usernames that are randomly generated at every x interval or x action? This goes further because you only want to target a a specific instance of one specific username? I think this might be better suited in the plugin development area with some further...
  2. The Cyst

    XF 2.2 View user group under avatar

    Usercp -> Account details -> Custom usertitle => change to what you want to show.
  3. The Cyst

    XF 2.2 Forum staff only

    You can set the permissions to specific groups. This way, only those in the group can see that particular forum.
  4. The Cyst

    Keyboard and mouse preferences

    Hey friends, Just bought my first ever ergonomic mouse and keyboard. Anyone used this particular set up before? Looking forward to getting them delivered and testing them out. I know some of these bits of kits can be super expensive, I paid ~ £60 all in for the keyboard and mouse together. I...
  5. The Cyst

    Forum competitions on launch?

    Thanks for your suggestions all, I could definitely offer some merch out for events I plan on attending! Great idea.
  6. The Cyst

    A purge user posts button

    Thinking about it, if you have already deleted the user - wouldn't that mean their user id is already deleted? Meaning that defining what posts to delete is going to be a challenge... Just some thoughts.
  7. The Cyst

    Forum competitions on launch?

    Thanks for sharing! Maybe this idea is worth putting away for a rainy day when I have a userbase and they need a bit of encouragement to get active again? Or as a way to repay them for their hard work.
  8. The Cyst

    A purge user posts button

    In reference to this post Problem: Admin has deleted the user, user posts are still showing (under Guest) which is causing admin a headache. An SQL query will remove all users posts with specific...
  9. The Cyst

    XF 2.2 How to delete messages from a user already deleted

    That might be a good plugin. A button that purges the posts of a specified user (also removing the quoted part of a post others may have quoted the OP in) to prevent that quote showing even if the OP was deleted.
  10. The Cyst

    Forum competitions on launch?

    Will want to do some advertising over the next few months, with potentially a different competition every month with different prizes to keep it interesting. Does anyone have any experience or any suggestions on how best to approach forum competitions especially with IRL prizes?
  11. The Cyst

    What type of content will help your forum grow?

    Curating past topics is a very interesting technique and I can imagine that takes a lot of time. You see that technique applied to blogs, they have "the best forums to visit in 2023" but it was actually posted in 2019. They recognise that nobody is going to care about 2019 anymore a better...
  12. The Cyst

    What type of content will help your forum grow?

    Amazing! Thank you Tracy.
  13. The Cyst

    Sin Studios - A server development forum!

    Cheers, Brad. Thanks for your kind words.
  14. The Cyst

    What type of content will help your forum grow?

    Thank you for vouching, Bob. Just reading up on it now and it looking at Tracy's website as an example - very impressive work! Might have to make the investment. Thank you Briansol. This is a very good recommendation, I will investigate what type of questions need answering and answer them on...
  15. The Cyst

    What type of content will help your forum grow?

    Thank you Tracy, I was originally just posting tutorials on a thread in the relevant forum. I will have a look into your suggestions now and action them in due course. I really appreciate you taking the time to educate me, thank you.
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