Recent content by talk2troy

  1. T

    [Xen-Soluce] Recurring Subscription [Paid]

    The OP was from August 2020, so I thought it was worth asking...
  2. T

    [Xen-Soluce] Recurring Subscription [Paid]

    Anybody using this? Reviews / reports? @XenSoluce - are you still active here?
  3. T

    A Robust Membership System…?

    Any new products in this area for memberships / time limited subscriptions? I am hoping to automate / grant 1 day access / 1 week / 2 week / 30 days / 6 months / 12 months No, it is not a porn site, but that is the basis of the time limited model.
  4. T

    The comeback of Forums - What I am doing about it.

    Hope things are going well for you, this is an interesting topic. I will read this in detail after I watch the "XenForo Insights" and reply again! Cheers!
  5. T

    Style request - red, white & blue theme?

    Hello @Mike Creuzer - can you address my first post?
  6. T

    Style request - red, white & blue theme?

    93 people have read this thread - as of today... Does that mean 93 other people want a red, white & blue (RWB) theme too?
  7. T

    Style request - red, white & blue theme?

    I'm looking for a red, white & blue / USA FLAG color theme - that is flat & simple - like Simplicity (link). I've already tried to style the free version of Simplicity and can't get the look I want. I have minimal html / css skills & can follow directions & experiment & know how to do this...
  8. T

    XF 2.0 Can Wordpress user accounts be shared with Xenforo's?

    I am building a similar site & look forward to reading the replies!
  9. T

    XF 1.5 Invalid model 'XenForo_Model_UserGroup' specified

    Just personal reasons. It was a hobby - idea - experiment from 2 years ago w/ no backups. Xenforo was easy to learn & set up & style but I won't do it over until or "if" I decide my new idea is worth it this time. I just wanted to resurrect my install to brainstorm a "first draft" in software...
  10. T

    XF 1.5 Invalid model 'XenForo_Model_UserGroup' specified

    Thread started here: I was able to DL the XenForo 1.5.15 update & upload via FTP, ran the update and got the upgrade confirmation & accessed my admin dashboard !!!!!! :love: My first goal was to...
  11. T

    No customer could be found with that email address.

    Yes, I had problems with that & just wrote them all down in my PW book (kept in my gun safe). Thx for the help, too - I was able to DL the XenForo 1.5.15 update & upload via FTP, ran the update and got the upgrade confirmation & accessed my admin dashboard !!!!!! :love: My first goal was to...
  12. T

    XF 1.5 reCAPTCHA not working?

    Thx for the reply - waiting for DL access / confirmation in another thread.
  13. T

    No customer could be found with that email address.

    Details sent... thanks for the reply. Yes, I am trying to use my gmail (paypal) addy for download vs my forum addy (to chat).
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