Recent content by Stallyon

  1. Stallyon

    What kind of server you use for your xenForo?

    Cloud server.
  2. Stallyon

    Officially a XenForo customer

    Welcome to the second best forum software in the world. The best starts with a v and ends with an n. Just kidding!! :ROFLMAO:
  3. Stallyon

    A word of advice to those that run their own VPS/Server

    Never access your shell when drunk. I was trying to find a particular directory, and instead of typing $ ls -lr | egrep `^d' I actually typed the wrong command before the pipe $ rm -fr | egrep `^d' Whoops! Talk about a cockup of a command. I always use the find command now.
  4. Stallyon

    XenForo 2.0 Discussion

    I'll be back if xF 2.x meets my needs now.
  5. Stallyon

    what is your job?

    That's why it's top secret :P Nobody ever suspects a Brisbanite.
  6. Stallyon

    How Many Languages Do You Know and Speak Fluently?

    No, Australia. Balinese wife :)
  7. Stallyon

    What kind of Server

    I use a cloud server with 4 cores, 8GB RAM, 1000 Mbps port, 200GB hard drive and a load balancer with same specs.
  8. Stallyon

    what is your job?

    I'm a top secret agent for a top secret organisation :cool::p
  9. Stallyon

    How Many Languages Do You Know and Speak Fluently?

    English, Indonesian and Thai. Unusual combination I know.
  10. Stallyon

    XF 1.3 Editor Toolbar, Spoiler BB Code and MultiQuote

    Brilliant work. Thanks for actually listening to your customers.
  11. Stallyon

    Logo / Branding Who do you guys use ?

    You could have one done professionally like I did if you don't mind paying a little? I didn't have the time or patience to create something that stood out. I think they may do charity concessions:
  12. Stallyon

    happy christmas from chuck

    `Tis the season?
  13. Stallyon

    Windows 8.1

    Ahem, it was a small jest. I'm sorry that your sense of humour is out to lunch. On a lighter note, I am glad that Windows 8.1 brought back the start menu so I don't have to gesture or use the keyboard to get back to the start screen. Now it it can be done with keyboard, mouse or touch screen...
  14. Stallyon

    Windows 8.1

    I just brought a new Asus netbook with Windows 8 on it. It has a touch screen and a mouse. I feel confused.
  15. Stallyon

    Uh-oh. Going to be a dad. Eeek.

    The best family car there is: Only in blooming England! LOL
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