Recent content by sport_billy

  1. sport_billy

    XF 2.0 How can I disable all cookies on XenForo?

    Lots of info on what XF are providing in forthcoming releases to help forum owners become more GDPR Compliant in this thread, cookies are discussed in there also
  2. sport_billy

    Upcoming changes for GDPR compliance in XF1 and XF2

    Thanks for clearing that up Chris, I appreciate the time taken to reply.
  3. sport_billy

    Upcoming changes for GDPR compliance in XF1 and XF2

    @Chris D Thanks for all the work the XF team have put into the latest beta version and the tools provided, really helpful :) I do just have one question regarding Cookies and in specific Third Party Cookies (from media embeds) and their consent. XF has embeds for media by default and this is...
  4. sport_billy

    XF 2.0 Statistics - Posts per month gone?

    Recently moved across to XF2. Noticed the statistics have changed to a daily average for the month, am i missing something here? Is there anyway in the CP panel just to see a straight posts per month?
  5. sport_billy

    Spam Management & GDPR

    My uneducated guess on this is it is up to us as Admins to choose if we use these anti spam measures, there is the option in XF to not use them - to disable them. I am loathe to remove access to these services as they stop so much spam hitting our forum. But unless the companies prove to be...
  6. sport_billy

    Browser issue Member tooltip not displaying correctly on IOS

    :) I need an excuse..... Cool beans, will let any users know if they are using anything as old as myself. Yeah, virtually all apps are useless now, just really used for sofa browsing. Thanks for clearing that up Chris.
  7. sport_billy

    Browser issue Member tooltip not displaying correctly on IOS

    On my antique iPad IOS 9.3.5 won't let me install any higher... Time to buy a new iPad? :)
  8. sport_billy

    Browser issue Member tooltip not displaying correctly on IOS

    Noticed the member tooltip is not displaying correctly on IOS on iPad , no issues on laptop and haven't had chance to test on android yet. Thought it was just my site so visited here this morning to check. We are running v2.0.4. Presume here you are on latest version 2.0.5 the thread title is...
  9. sport_billy

    XF 2.0 Changing font and size within post

    Absolute star - thank you I was looking for Message Elements All sorted
  10. sport_billy

    XF 2.0 Changing font and size within post

    I am really sorry for such a noob question. Recently upgraded to XF 2.0 Struggling to find where I can change the font used within posts to Verdana. Could someone point me in the right direction please?
  11. sport_billy

    Notifications on XF2 add-on needed

    Was wondering if anyone knew of an add-on similar to for XF2 Our members really like it and was hoping there was another add-on similar out there, I have searched but to no avail.... Cheers for any pointers
  12. sport_billy

    Need a host any suggestion?

    Nothing but praise for @MattW i have been a customer for a couple of years now. A truly professional service, highly recommended.
  13. sport_billy - Server Configuration / Hosting / Support

    Just wanted to say how pleased I am with MattW service yet again :) Matt has been providing server and xenforo services management for us for the past 9 months and within that time has helped with any problems we have encountered instantly when asked. Lately we have been suffering from...
  14. sport_billy - Server Configuration / Hosting / Support

    I hired Matt last week to fix a few issues we were having with our site that were taking us offline. I was seriously impressed by his speed and skill. He got us back up and running in no time and optimised our server. He explained what he was doing in a jargon free way, answered my questions...
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