Recent content by SeToY

  1. SeToY

    XF 2.2 Old users are becoming SPAM everyday !

    Already have that (even for mods), but this doesn't work on the install login form, or does it? not sure honestly
  2. SeToY

    Add-on Update Notifier

    Does the add-on currently contain XF version handling? @Siropu just released his Chat 2 add-on v2.4.0, which, although it states "is compatible with XenForo 2.3", is actually only compatible with XenForo 2.3, not 2.2. However, the add-on update notifier notifies me of that update (which it...
  3. SeToY

    XF 2.2 Old users are becoming SPAM everyday !

    Yeah, figured as much, but maybe there's a way to have some functionality inside of it (maybe for stock 2.3 @Chris D ?). The way I see it adding a captcha to the admin cp login wouldn't prove that much more secure because a captcha would be missing from the install path anyway (which...
  4. SeToY

    XF 2.2 Old users are becoming SPAM everyday !

    Awesome, thank you! Was searching (and looking) for "login" and not "logging in" heh Yeah, probably. I don't suppose that can be touched by @DragonByte Tech's addon to add a captcha there, too?
  5. SeToY

    XF 2.2 Old users are becoming SPAM everyday !

    I'm using mentioned add-on as well, but I cannot seem to find that option? Could you point me in the right direction?
  6. SeToY

    Chat 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    Hello there, the following content types do not seem to be phrased: siropu_chat_conv siropu_chat_poll
  7. SeToY

    [DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

    Yeah, figured as much - would just be nice if the add-on would automatically set the lowest date possible when selecting the preset instead of throwing an exception. Thank you!
  8. SeToY

    [DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

    I just selected the date preset "All time" on the charts page (/admin.php?analytics/charts) and was greeted with the following exception: InvalidArgumentException: start_date = 1995-01-01 must be greater than 2015-08-13 and less than 3000-01-01. in...
  9. SeToY

    [OzzModz] Log All Moderator Actions

    Would you be able to implement support for @Naz's Tickets addon?
  10. SeToY

    User Essentials [Paid]

    Since updating to 4.4.0 my error log is getting spammed with: LogicException: Entity \Finder' (class: \Finder') could not be found src\XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager.php:53 #0 src\XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager.php(69): XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager->getEntityClassName('\\Finder'') #1...
  11. SeToY

    VaultWiki [Paid]

    Since this add-on hasn't worked properly for ages and I simply stopped caring about it, I wanted to uninstall it after this debacle. However... lol ErrorException: [E_WARNING] Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in src\addons\vw\vw\_core\model\area\xf2.php at line 27...
  12. SeToY

    s9e Media Sites

    Any plans to implement tenor?
  13. SeToY

    XF 2.2 GSC and cookies consent URL

    I added the following to my robots.txt: User-agent: * Disallow: /misc/cookies?* and verified it using a failed URL from the Google Search Console with this tool:
  14. SeToY

    XF 2.2 [data-container-key*="node-4"]

    This is explained in the documentation I added. It matches the word as-is, without anything in front of it or after it (which * does). Yours (without the ~) currently works because it's presumably the only text inside "data-container-key" and should work flawlessly until you add anything else in...
  15. SeToY

    XF 2.2 [data-container-key*="node-4"] Try [data-container-key~="node-4"]
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