Recent content by Russ

  1. Russ

    random quote

    This can be done without an add-on. Utilize the Advertising setup. The following code will load a random quote each page load. Setup -> Advertising -> Add advertisement -> Title: Quotes Position: Container header HTML: <div class="p-header-quote u-hideWide"> <xf:set...
  2. Russ

    All should be an option when selecting forums to enable modifications/features.

    Sorry, thought you were also suggesting none. Already upvoted and would love to see it implemented.
  3. Russ

    All should be an option when selecting forums to enable modifications/features.

    None technically exists in some areas (I'm assuming the add-on dev would just need to include it) (prefix as an example) So an easy "all" would be nice. Select all selects only the forums at the time of the edit. If you make any new forums, you'd need to go back and edit it again.
  4. Russ

    Fixed Xf-intensify doesn't work against property --color when using RGB

    In 2.2 we could use this and it would work: color: xf-intensify(@xf-xbCustomFooterCSS--color, 20%); Now it doesn't appear to work if a style uses RGB colors (I'm updating to HSL but I can see this being an issue when styles are imported) Easiest way to replicate the issue: Style properties ->...
  5. Russ

    Conditional check not working against asset property with variations enabled

    In 2.2 I had a very simple conditional like this: <xf:if is="property('xbFooterLogo')"> <a href="{{ ($xf.options.logoLink && $xf.homePageUrl) ? $xf.homePageUrl : link('index') }}"> <img src="{{...
  6. Russ

    Fixed View custom changes requires a refresh to view current edits

    In 2.2, when editing a template that already has the "View custom changes" button, you could make an edit, click save and click View custom changes and it'll show the new edits you just made. 2.3 it will not show the new edits. Steps to reproduce: 1.) Open any template, place an edit and click...
  7. Russ

    XF 2.3 A first look at XenForo 2.3

    If you only want one dark style, you wouldn't enable style variations and proceed like a normal dark style. If you wanted to offer two dark styles for users to rotate between, enable style variations and make sure the color palette is set to dark on both. The result will look like this in the...
  8. Russ

    XF 2.3 Replacing node icons via css

    I don't see how this works on 2.3. I think you'll need to update the resource with hiding the SVG icon as well @BassMan
  9. Russ

    XF 2.3 Replacing node icons via css

    2.3 Beta 5 that code on a completely stock default style: No add-ons installed.
  10. Russ

    XF 2.3 Replacing node icons via css

    This does indeed load a second icon. This CSS only approach seems to work: .node .node-icon i { &:before { .m-faContent(@fa-var-upload); width: 100%; } svg { display: none; } } But it's essentially hiding the default SVG icon. Would you...
  11. Russ

    Fixed If logo width/height is not set, switching to light/dark breaks logo

    Ideally, you should set your logo width/height but if either Public logo width or Public logo height is not filled out (or both), it results in the logo loading width="0" or height="0" when switching to light/dark Easy steps to reproduce: 1.) Remove "Public logo width" value, leaving it blank...
  12. Russ

    Duplicate Ctrl-s in templates not saving

    Ctrl-s doesn't work on 2.3 Beta 5 I thought there was an open report... but I don't see anything outside of a post in the HYS forum.
  13. Russ

    Fixed Enabling variations on child styles where the parent doesn't have variations misses most variation settings Jeremy says it might be related. Reverting (and refreshing) fixes it for now.
  14. Russ

    Fixed Export as independent style should be behind Development Mode

    This appears to be implemented in 2.3! This should solve a lot of problems for clients exporting incorrectly.
  15. Russ

    Fixed Reverting property shows [object Oject]

    Easy way to replicate this specific issue: Edit any basic color on the default style on 2.2.15 install. I'm attaching the style archive here for easy testing. All I changed in this was "Content background color" to rgb(72, 72, 72) Import it to a 2.3 install, then enable style variations...
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