Recent content by Plati

  1. P

    [XT] Membermap

    Is there a way to add the checkbox to show the location in the map also in the registration form? I am referring to this checkbox that is available in the profile settings, unfortunately not in the registration form:
  2. P

    XF 2.1 Is there a way to make a notice show up when a user is posting a new thread in a particular forum?

    Where can I create a new notice? Can someone provide me a link? Thank you!
  3. P

    XF 2.0 Location as optional on registration form

    Is there no nice solution for this yet? I would also like to show the location field as optional during registration
  4. P

    XF 2.2 Search forums, SEO improvements and dev team news

    Hi, where did you add this template modification to prevent search engines from crawling profiles?
  5. P

    XF 2.2 Use "What's new" bar on page nodes

    Or is it any code in a template? Where do I find it? Can anyone help me please?
  6. P

    XF 2.2 Use "What's new" bar on page nodes

    How can I use the menu bar on top of the What's new section on a custom page node? Is it a widget? Thank you!
  7. P

    XF 2.2 Gallery migration: Attachment files in /data/attachments

    Thanks for your answer. I have looked at the importers but unfortunately that does not help me in my case. I am using an external Java tool for the migration and therefore cannot execute any PHP calls. I have already worked through the handling of the media items and attachments and this works...
  8. P

    XF 2.2 Gallery migration: Attachment files in /data/attachments

    Where do I find the existing MG importers? From my point of view I only find the forum importers in the addon. However I am not sure yet whether I can do anything with it because I will do the migration with a data import/export, not with a specific script.
  9. P

    XF 2.2 Gallery migration: Attachment files in /data/attachments

    For my migration from phpBB Gallery to XFMG I have some questions about the attachments in /data/attachments. I assume under internal_data/attachments are the original files (source). What is that under /data/attachments? Thumbnails? Whereas under /data/xfmg there are also thumbnails. I...
  10. P

    XF 2.2 media_hash in xf_mg_media_item

    Thank you! An additional question: What is the field "ip_id" in xf_mg_media_item?
  11. P

    XF 2.2 To which database tables does XenForo Media Gallery write?

    To which database tables does XenForo Media Gallery write? Obviously it uses the xf_mg_* tables, and I also found out that media data is written to xf_attachment_data and xf_attachment. Are there any other tables that the Gallery writes data to (that I need to populate during a migration)?
  12. P

    XF 2.2 media_hash in xf_mg_media_item

    Hi, I'm trying to write an import script to import images from an old phpBB gallery into XFMG 2.2. Now I came across the field "media_hash" in xf_mg_media_item table. How is this media_hash calculated? It differs from the file_hash value in xf_attachment_data. The file_hash is calculated by...
  13. P

    Fixed Unknown column 'pfd.pf_phpbb_website' in 'field list'

    After an import from my phpBB 3.2 forum with the new importer I got the following server error log in the admin control panel: XF\Db\Exception: MySQL statement prepare error [1054]: Unknown column 'pfd.pf_phpbb_website' in 'field list'...
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