Recent content by Ludachris

  1. Ludachris

    ElasticSearch Essentials [Paid]

    Should I rebuild the Search Index?
  2. Ludachris

    ElasticSearch Essentials [Paid]

    Strange, the thread in one of these errors I just checked is not deleted. And threads are never hard-deleted on the site. LogicException: Post has no thread src/XF/ControllerPlugin/Thread.php:14 Generated by: Unknown account Nov 29, 2023 at 5:42 AM Stack trace #0...
  3. Ludachris

    XF 2.2 iOS pwa installation flow

    If only we could create a Notice that pointed users to instructions, and had the ability to display that notice ONLY to members browsing on iOS devices.
  4. Ludachris

    ElasticSearch Essentials [Paid]

    After a recent upgrade of XF and several add-ons, including this one, as well as PHP and ElasticSearch itself, I'm getting a few of these errors every day: LogicException: Post has no thread src/XF/ControllerPlugin/Thread.php:14 Generated by: Unknown account Nov 26, 2023 at 11:59 AM Stack...
  5. Ludachris

    XF 2.2 Merge Outdated Templates - Forbidden error

    I'm pretty sure this is a mod-security error. My question is, can I just copy the code from the Merge screen, go to the edit page for that template and paste it in there? Will that effectively do what the Merge does?
  6. Ludachris

    XF 2.2 activity summary email logs/reports?

    Is there a way to view how many of these emails have gone out in the last month? And to who? I can't find a log for it in ACP, but maybe I'm just blind.
  7. Ludachris

    Secondary Similar Threads function - manually curated

    The Similar Threads function works pretty well for threads that are repetitive, but sometimes there are situations where two threads are very similar in nature but the wording isn't the same, so the similar thread feature doesn't tie it them together. And merging them doesn't really make sense...
  8. Ludachris

    Ads Manager 2 Lite by Siropu [Paid]

    Let's say you use Ads Manager Lite to implement "keyword" ads in posts, targeting specific keywords, converting them into a hyperlink pointing to an affiliate retailer, BUT you have a member who doesn't like the fact that there is a link auto-inserted into his posts. Is there a way to configure...
  9. Ludachris

    Soft deleting threads in forums by users who get removed from a usergroup?

    Not terribly often. Probably a few times per year. And it really only comes into play for a couple forums.
  10. Ludachris

    Soft deleting threads in forums by users who get removed from a usergroup?

    We have some forums where only certain usergroups are allowed to post threads. The problem is, some users are removed from those usergroups but their threads remain live in those forums. I'd like to figure out a way to soft delete those threads when the thread author is no longer in a usergroup...
  11. Ludachris

    XF 2.2 Push notifications not working with iOS and XenForo 2.2.13

    Just to confirm, what is the minimum version of XF that needs to be running for push notifications to work on iOS devices?
  12. Ludachris

    Implemented Markup improvements for Google

    Took me two months to see this post... Thank you Ryan (@rrlevering). Many of us in here work very hard to keep our forum threads ranking well in Google. Forums tend to get forgotten with all of the blogger fluff that has flooded the search results over the years, so any recommendations on ways...
  13. Ludachris

    XF 2.2 Way to email all members who replied in a specific thread?

    Is there a way for the admin to generate a list of members who have replied to a specific thread via the ACP in order to send out an email to them? If not, that would be a very useful feature in the Email Users form (ability to select users who have posted in a particular thread, or even...
  14. Ludachris

    Will VerticalScope try to acquire Xenforo?

    Personally, I'm not a fan of their custom XF template. But I don't have any data on how well it works for them - or not. I just don't think it's very intuitive.
  15. Ludachris

    Will VerticalScope try to acquire Xenforo?

    Wouldn't it suck to see VS go under completely, killing off all the forums they own? All of that cataloged information in each of those forums just gone from one day to the next. I would hope that the forums they have which are still active would be sold off so they'd stay online. Maybe they're...
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