Recent content by KevinP

  1. K

    Xenforo throws MySQL timeout errors while searching even with Elasticsearch installed

    This can be closed/deleted. I tried every imaginable configuration of Xenforo, Enhanced Search, and Elasticsearch, and could not get it working. I decided that a complete upgrade was in order - to Xenforo 2 and PHP 7.2. On my test forum that I'm using to prepare everything for this update, it...
  2. K

    XF 2.0 Can't catch Guzzle request exceptions?

    ...that does. I would've thought it would complain about just using RequestException as if it couldn't find the class, or have worked if I used that directive within a use statement (something else I tried as well). Works nonetheless, thank you!
  3. K

    XF 2.0 Can't catch Guzzle request exceptions?

    I'm working on an addon and have a controller which makes a POST request to an external service that I'm also building. I'm attempting to make it so if Xenforo sends a request to that service and that service is offline or otherwise causes Guzzle to throw a RequestException and display the red...
  4. K

    Xenforo throws MySQL timeout errors while searching even with Elasticsearch installed

    About two months ago, we moved our forum over to a new server. During that move there was an issue installing elasticsearch, so we decided to just run with Xenforo's built-in search and figure out the elasticsearch stuff later. Xenforo's built-in search doesn't work well for us - searches...
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