Recent content by Kazyyk

  1. Kazyyk

    Rich Text Editor for Album Description

    I'd also like to see this feature.
  2. Kazyyk

    Load media and albums automatically, not paginated (infinite scroll)

    I'd be willing to fund this feature. Could it be considered, please?
  3. Kazyyk

    [TH] Resource Managers [Deleted]

    I would love to see this come to XF2.
  4. Kazyyk

    Complete Xenforo 2.x & 1.x Custom Services Expert Company | + 8 Years Experience

    Sent in a free quote request for a custom addon. Excited to hear back. Will update this post as needed.
  5. Kazyyk

    [bd] Widget Framework

    Is there any way we could get template variables for use inside a widget? In combination with a PHP callback, even? EDIT: Create template, use xen callback tag, assign widget to use newly made template, ???, profit.
  6. Kazyyk

    Digital Point Image Proxy [Paid]

    Is this compatible with XenForo 1.5?
  7. Kazyyk

    Nodes As Tabs

    Of course! CSS makes much more sense to use. Thank you!
  8. Kazyyk

    XF 1.5 Redirect Loop when De-activating Board

    Yes, forum index. That URL may not have the issue, as I actually migrated hosts out of frustration and so far I haven't encountered it again. So it must have been a configuration issue with my previous host. Thank you for your time, everyone. I'll post back if the issue comes up again.
  9. Kazyyk

    XF 1.5 Redirect Loop when De-activating Board

    According to Fiddler, it's redirecting back onto itself. It performs the same no matter how I access the page, with or without www sub-domain. I've not messed with any 503 responses to my knowledge.
  10. Kazyyk

    XF 1.5 Redirect Loop when De-activating Board

    Hello...! I was hoping someone may be able to shed some light on this issue. I also experienced this with XenForo 1.4, but just lived with it. Even if I clear out my all my redirects via cPanel, or clear out the .htaccess file... whenever I de-activate the board, I get a 302 temporary redirect...
  11. Kazyyk

    Nodes As Tabs

    Could we get HTML support for tab titles so we can assign them unique colors?
  12. Kazyyk


    You should consider offering a discounted price for the opposite version if someone already owns one, then. :P
  13. Kazyyk


    Then why not just? -- UIX (source files - disabled from view, do not edit directly) ----- LIGHT ---------- DARK Merge as needed.
  14. Kazyyk


    So it's more like: -- UIX (source files - disabled from view, do not edit directly) ----- BASE Theme (make all major edits here that you want applied to both, disabled from view though) ---------- UI.X Dark (source files, uploaded manually from child XML - disabled from view, do not edit...
  15. Kazyyk


    Wait - so, install UI.X Dark through the UI.X addon - delete the auto-generated template and upload the dark child xml with a parent of UI.X Dark base?
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