Recent content by JpA

  1. JpA

    XF 1.4 Stay Logged In [SOLVED]

    Haha thanks stupid move of me should've known.
  2. JpA

    XF 1.4 Stay Logged In [SOLVED]

    Hi, I'm having a little issue, so everytime I X out of my website and go back i'm not logged in but in my previous session I was. How do I make it so when I X out of my website, then go back I'm already logged in? Thanks, JP A. (Flub)
  3. JpA

    XF 1.4 Emailing Error

    Hi so I recently logged into my admin panel and found these errors: Zend_Mail_Transport_Exception: Email to failed: Unable to send mail. - library/Zend/Mail/Transport/Sendmail.php:137 Generated By: Unknown Account, Tuesday at 12:56 AM Stack Trace #0...
  4. JpA

    XF 1.4 Private Forum

    @Brogan i've seen other server where you can only see the Hacking Report guide and your forums only look at is this a possible add-on?
  5. JpA

    XF 1.4 Private Forum

    @Brogan I made a notice with a link to the forum on how to report players but people don't have permission to view the thread
  6. JpA

    XF 1.4 Private Forum

    @Brogan How do I create a notice?
  7. JpA

    XF 1.4 Private Forum

    Hi I have a forum where users can report hacker and I want it so that people can only view their threads that they make but cannot see other peoples threads. I also would like however for people to view a thread I made that explains how to report a hacker. I have set it so people can only see...
  8. JpA

    XF 1.4 Purchased Add-on

    I purchased a add-on a while ago and noticed there was an update and it says I have to buy it again. I logged in with my account that I bought it on and it still says I have to purchase it please help.
  9. JpA

    XF 1.3 Need help installing Xenforo can someone help me?

    Yes I have a domain ( and I have a dedicated server do I need still need to get a host? Can't I just host it off my dedicated node?
  10. JpA

    XF 1.3 Need help installing Xenforo can someone help me?

    Yes I have, and I do step one I download Xenforo and put it on my computer but when I get to step 2 (this part) it says: "At this point you will need an FTP client and FTP login credentials for your server. If you don't know these, your hosting provider will be able to assist you." I don't know...
  11. JpA

    XF 1.3 Need help installing Xenforo can someone help me?

    Hey i'm having a little trouble installing XenForo as it's a little complicated. If someone can help, please add me on skype Skype: jp.aliprantis Please contact me ASAP
  12. JpA

    XF 1.2 Forums

    On my website when I click on the forums tab, nothing happens and it doesn't take me to the forums page. it was working till i upgraded and installed a neww style which is working fine. I also have forums created Here are my options
  13. JpA

    XF 1.1 Confirmation Emails

    Hi, for some reason no one on my website gets a email when they create account, I even tried it on a test account. Any one know why?
  14. JpA

    XF 1.1 Error when I try to post somewhere

    Whenever I try to post somewhere (I only have 2 forums so far) I get this error message EDIT: I created another forum without modifying the permissions and still gave me the error
  15. JpA

    XF 1.1 Forum Permissions

    How do I make it so that only the user groups Admin, Moderator and Owner can post in the X forum section?
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