Recent content by Joshua

  1. Joshua

    XF 2.2 android firefox/mobile browser push notifications point to about:blank

    So far it's also not working on the same phone but different forum, same server
  2. Joshua

    XF 2.2 android firefox/mobile browser push notifications point to about:blank

    I tried doing a couple searches but didn't see anything for this specific issue. I have browser notifications enabled for my forum but when I receive one and click on it, it points to about:blank I'm not even sure where to begin with this. Anyone have any ideas?
  3. Joshua

    XF 2.2 What could cause an attachment thumbnail to be broken?

    I think I'm experiencing something similar but the image linked on my install is:  I've rebuilt thumbnail caches again and again. I'm using the R2 storage plugin, dunno if that matters.
  4. Joshua

    XF 2.2 elasticsearch is acting up. can i just reinstall?

    Can't figure out why elasticsearch won't start up. Can I just safely remove and reinstall without breaking anything? Gonna use this guide: [05:46][root@epn2022 ~]# systemctl status elasticsearch.service...
  5. Joshua

    Other Wanted: Basic User Manual for the Forums

    Would save me a ton of time!
  6. Joshua

    XF 2.2 User profile banners, Username changes, Security locking accounts and more!

    Where's the giphy support? Does anyone care about user banners? This update leaves me feeling just whelmed
  7. Joshua

    XF\Db\Exception: Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value

    I guess MyISAM from a previous xf instance? No idea on #2. Your queries fixed it for me though. Thank you kindly!
  8. Joshua

    XF\Db\Exception: Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value

  9. Joshua

    XF\Db\Exception: Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value

    My bad I assumed they were related as failed XMG upgrades but I see now that that wasn't a smart assumption. The error I posted in #11 is the only error currently.
  10. Joshua

    XF\Db\Exception: Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value

    Or maybe just confirm for me whether or not I can use the queries posted above? Pretty please.
  11. Joshua

    XF\Db\Exception: Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value

    Can someone help me generate queries to help me through a failed XMG upgrade? XF\Db\Exception: MySQL query error [1292]: Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'a:0:{}' in src/XF/Db/AbstractStatement.php at line 228 XF\Db\AbstractStatement->getException() in src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Statement.php at line...
  12. Joshua

    XF 2.1 Media uploaded but not post-able, shown with strikethrough?

    Ok so re-topping this because the person on the other site - same server - is having this issue still. And it's been quite popular as an add-on feature for premium membership so it's rather high priority. Thanks for any help!
  13. Joshua

    XF 2.1 Media uploaded but not post-able, shown with strikethrough?

    Thank you guys. It was post max and upload max. Parameters reset by a recent upgrade
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