Recent content by Johnny101

  1. Johnny101

    Upgrade from Xenforo 1 to 2

    Oman has helped with my site many times I would highly recommend his services.
  2. Johnny101

    Looking To Hire Somebody To Install XenForo

    I highly recommend @oman to do the install of Xen Foro as well as styles and add ons. For styles I recommend @Russ from Pixel Exit he has done custom styles for me and is very helpful. As...
  3. Johnny101

    oman's XenForo Installation/Upgrade Services

    Oman provides fast service and excellent Communication I highly recommend his services.
  4. Johnny101

    oman's XenForo Installation/Upgrade Services

    Oman provides very fast and courteous service highly recommended
  5. Johnny101

    Add-on Need a custom add-on

    I need a custom add-on that would require new members to read the rules before they post
  6. Johnny101

    Need a custom style made

    I'm looking for someone that can make a custom style for my site. Something based on a style I already have just a grid style node layout instead.
  7. Johnny101

    XF 1.4 Upgrading to 1.5.8

    When we do our we give our members notice and try to do it at night when it's not as busy.
  8. Johnny101

    Alright Guys Tell Me What You Think

    Thanks I'm going to take out the empty forum areas
  9. Johnny101

    Alright Guys Tell Me What You Think

    Tell me what you think we just revamped a bit
  10. Johnny101

    XF 1.5 Missing IP addresses

    dose anyone know how to fix this problem
  11. Johnny101

    We are looking to have a custom header installed is this some thing you would be willing to do?
  12. Johnny101

    Advertising? Gaining members?

    A lot of people turn to Facebook as their go to forum now a days
  13. Johnny101

    What to look for when taking over a forum

    When I took over my forum it was pretty easy the former owner wanted out. I kept the original domain but did do a slight name change and pointed the old name to the new name software upgrade, server upgrade and rebranding and new graphics. This would be a good chance you have to clean up and...
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