Recent content by Jeremy P

  1. Jeremy P

    XF 2.3 Trending content

    Known Bots should already work with the option to skip robot view counts, I think, and as I said above you can also disable guest view counts entirely. I'm not sure we're committed to maintaining comprehensive bot detection ourselves, given what a cat-and-mouse game it becomes in the long term...
  2. Jeremy P

    XF 2.3 Trending content

    A lot of those are down to views from bots we can't track :( The top thread has over 4 million views while the next highest in the same forum only has 98 thousand. I don't think we've disabled view tracking for guests here, but the option is available to do so.
  3. Jeremy P

    XF 2.2 User Profile Pages - Tabs not being linked correctly.

    If you open the browser console, you'll see it's reporting an error about there being 7 tabs but only 6 corresponding panes. The "Post areas" pane appears to be missing. That isn't something in the core, so you should contact the author of the pertinent add-on for support. It's worth making sure...
  4. Jeremy P

    XF 2.3 Optimize attachments 503 Error

    It's impossible to say definitively without the underlying error. That's just the last processed attachment ID so it could be anything in the next batch, or some sort of server limit being hit.
  5. Jeremy P

    XF 2.3 Optimize attachments 503 Error

    This error page isn't provided by XenForo. It's possible it's obscuring some other error though. Check your web server and PHP error logs.
  6. Jeremy P

    Conditional check not working against asset property with variations enabled

    The base value of properties with variations enabled is always a CSS variable, even if all of the values are blank. I'm not sure we'll be able to change this as our Less magic relies on it, but I'll see if we can come up with an alternative. You can also check the value of a specific variation...
  7. Jeremy P

    Fixed Enabling variations on child styles where the parent doesn't have variations misses most variation settings

    I was hoping to get to this in time for beta 6, but the changes required were a little different from the other report even though the underlying concept is the same. In future versions, we'll effectively ignore everything but the value if you're importing a property that is inherited. Note that...
  8. Jeremy P

    Direct message search routes are outdated

    Yeah, not sure we'll action this one. As above, those URLs refer to the content types, which are still conversation and conversation_message internally. We can't really change them for backwards compatibility reasons, and the overall impact here is rather minor.
  9. Jeremy P

    Future fix ViewableInterface class isn't used as much as it should be

    This is deliberate as it stands because it would break backwards-compatibility for every single add-on that implements one of those handlers until they're updated to implement the interface. We can reconsider in the future.
  10. Jeremy P

    Elasticsearch 8.x compatibility fix

    It's only necessary in XFES 2.2 if you're using a self-signed certificate. In XFES 2.3 you can provide a custom CA bundle (or disable SSL verification, which I would caution against).
  11. Jeremy P

    Not a bug IP6 Domain lookup does not work for admin.php?users/username.1234/edit#user-ips

    It's the trailing slash, check your IP information URL option. The default is:{ip} (no trailing slash).
  12. Jeremy P

    Not a bug IP6 Domain lookup does not work for admin.php?users/username.1234/edit#user-ips

    I can't reproduce this: For the avoidance of doubt misc/ip-info?ip=2001%3A4860%3A4860%3A%3A8888 seems to work just fine too.
  13. Jeremy P

    Fixed Customized properties display order not updated

    A brief 5 years later and I think this should be resolved ;) The above fix causes most fields to be pulled from the parent property, if there is one. This means the corresponding XML fields will effectively be...
  14. Jeremy P

    Fixed Optimizing profile banners and avatars to WebP through CLI does not seem to do anything

    I can reproduce this with the Imagick driver. Having a closer look.
  15. Jeremy P

    XF 2.3 Changing the CreativeWork Schema Type

    It looks like Google wants name instead of headline :rolleyes: {{ $resource.getLdStructuredData()|json(true)|replace({ '"CreativeWork"': '"Book"', '"headline"': '"name"' })|raw }}
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