Recent content by jeffwidman

  1. jeffwidman

    Not a bug Gallery appears to be always writing new entries to xf_search table rather than re-using cache

    @Chris D looked into this and discovered the entries appear to be Googlebot hitting the find-new page repeatedly. This brings up a few followup questions in my head, and posting here so that the answers are available to others in the future. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the purpose of the...
  2. jeffwidman

    Not a bug Gallery appears to be always writing new entries to xf_search table rather than re-using cache

    I admin a series of sites for someone. One of the sites has the xf_search table blowing up--it's 17.4GB by itself, which makes no sense because the site isn't that highly traffic'd. I dug a little deeper: SELECT search_type, COUNT(*) FROM mavicpilots_forum_xf.xf_search GROUP BY...
  3. jeffwidman

    Add-on Install & Upgrade

    Whenever I update an addon, this plugin now forgets the resource manager url for the upgraded addon, so it no longer knows where to check for addon updates. IE, after upgrading an addon, I used to see a "green checkbox" and now I see a red X.
  4. jeffwidman

    XF 1.5 Bounced email + SparkPost

    FYI, looks like SparkPost now pseudo-supports forwarding bounced emails to a mailbox via this Heroku app on their Github:
  5. jeffwidman

    XF 1.5 Bounced email + SparkPost

    How did you configure Sparkpost to send the bounce notifications to a specific email address that Xenforo could monitor? I contacted Sparkpost and they said they offer a webhook but no forwarding bounces to a dedicated mailbox.
  6. jeffwidman

    TPU: Detect and Block Spam Registrations

    I'm getting a bunch of errors that say: ErrorException: Undefined variable: dns - library/TPUDetectSpamReg/AS.php:40 Generated By: Unknown Account, Yesterday at 11:25 AM Stack Trace #0 /home/nginx/domains/
  7. jeffwidman

    Implemented Full native RESTful API built into XenForo

    Agreed. This is one of the better articles I've seen on API structure:
  8. jeffwidman

    Ansible role for installing ElasticSearch on CentOS 7 servers

    Just upgraded to ES 2.1, and also upgraded the Ansible role. Everything went fine except for:
  9. jeffwidman

    How stable is ElasticSearch service on your forum?

    Just updated to v2. I got bit by this issue: Once I figured that out, everything else was smooth sailing and seems to be working fine.
  10. jeffwidman

    How to get started with installing elastic search

    That guide is pretty outdated and not what I'd recommend someone use. I'm also not sure that Floren keeps the Axivo repo updated, but that's a risk anytime you're using a repackaged repo rather than the source. These days, ElasticSearch itself has solid repo with solid defaults for ES v2, so...
  11. jeffwidman

    How stable is ElasticSearch service on your forum?

    Super stable for me on two different servers. I'm not running a multi-node cluster, but I know folks who do and are really happy with the performance + stability.
  12. jeffwidman

    Always rebuild search index after ElasticSearch crash?

    I understand, I'm in the same situation, planning to switch later this week. Whenever you do eventually switch, if you experiment with heap sizes I'd be curious to hear the results.
  13. jeffwidman

    Always rebuild search index after ElasticSearch crash?

    @Xon curious if you're running even lower RAM for ES now that v2 is out? I saw that one of the improvements mentioned in the ES changelog was more efficient memory use.
  14. jeffwidman

    XF 1.5 When are unused tags deleted?

    Thanks for the detailed answers Chris, much appreciated!
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