Recent content by Jason76

  1. Jason76

    XF 2.2 How to speed up topic posting?

    Is there a way to go into admin area to do this? Thanks.
  2. Jason76

    Add-on Latex Mod for Xenforo

    What is the latest free/paid? Where can I find it?
  3. Jason76

    XF 2.2 500 Error

    I was using the ea-php when I was supposed to use alt-php, because they were using cloud Linux. The hosting fixed it The error logs was in the public_html directory.
  4. Jason76

    XF 2.2 500 Error

    Thanks for the comments you all. Well, my lower php has to exist cause a higher level will mess up my forum. However, my forum has messed up anyway. Are you all sure it's not about increasing php capacity? I also operate at a lower php for another one of my forums (not XF) but it is still working.
  5. Jason76

    XF 2.2 500 Error

    OK, I will try it. Thanks.
  6. Jason76

    Do you have an fb group that represents with your forum?

    I have a large page that does, not a group. I do have a group in the same niche, though. I haven't had the resources to utilize the page, cause you have to pay to communicate.
  7. Jason76

    XF 2.2 500 Error

    I can't cause domain won't show up. Is there another way?
  8. Jason76

    XF 2.2 500 Error

    My site has that error. Could it be a php limit? The other sites (not same software) on the same hosting have no problems.
  9. Jason76

    Drummer Lesson - a site for in-house drum lessons (on another link) and drumming and other musical discussion.
  10. Jason76

    [TH] Featured Threads and Content Portal

    @mattrogowski Is it possible to use the product as just a slider and not connected to a thread?
  11. Jason76

    XF 2.2 Error when Installing

    Never mind. On the 2nd attempt I was able to do it. I deleted the username and database and made two new ones with the same name. Maybe that did it.
  12. Jason76

    Lost Registration Email

    The customer account.
  13. Jason76

    Lost Registration Email

    Since no access to registration email, how can I get access to my account and put it under another email? Thanks.
  14. Jason76

    XF 2.2 XenForo Forum Not Showing

    What do you all see now?
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