Recent content by James Logajan

  1. J

    XF 2.2 cant upload attachment with api | python

    Belated reply, but perhaps this will be helpful to anyone else who has grappled with this problem. The following sample Python3 code (minimal error checking) should work with the appropriate substitutions for API key, file path, API URL, and user ID number. Assumes the API key is either for the...
  2. J

    Error when updating to 2.2.12

    Just FYI, I got an error that may be related: ErrorException: [E_WARNING] Undefined array key "cookieConsent" src/XF/Pub/App.php:675 (I'm hoping it is benign error since no plans to provide granularity of permissions on cookies.)
  3. J

    XF 2.2 XenAPI Link nt Found

    This is months late, but like Helladen I was struggling to get past 404 errors simply accessing the API according to the docs, which state: "For example, if XenForo is installed at, then the API URLs will start with" Likewise...
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