Recent content by hkymre

  1. hkymre

    XF 2.2 Files to exclude from a backup

    I’ve been backing up my site to AWS S3 using Akeeba Solo for a good while. I’ve always backed up all files, but I’m wondering if there are any files, or whole folders, that can be excluded from the backup?
  2. hkymre

    Chat 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    Is it possible to insert an image using the Bot Response?
  3. hkymre

    How do you handle spam registrations?

    We use [OzzModz] Block Registrations With Spam Like Email Addresses & it does a great job blocking spam registrations with multiple dots in the email address. I'd say it's reduced spam registrations by over 95% & we don't need manual approval anymore. And...
  4. hkymre

    Processing approval queue Error: Call to undefined function XF\Job\set_time_limit() on php 8

    Ignore me - it helps if you enable set_time_limit in PHP 8
  5. hkymre

    Processing approval queue Error: Call to undefined function XF\Job\set_time_limit() on php 8

    Using 2.2.8 & PHP 8 When marking an account as spam clean in the approval queue then the below error is thrown. Changing to PHP 7.4 works fine Server error log Error: Call to undefined function XF\Job\set_time_limit() src/XF/Job/AbstractJob.php:24 Generated by: Unknown account Apr 18, 2022 at...
  6. hkymre

    Chat 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    I've had the same issue. Putting a full stop/period at the end of the text then enter works for me.
  7. hkymre

    UI.X 2

    I think I know what caused it for me now @Ian Hitt . Back in post 1445607 I updated EXTRA.less to add an icon for Siropu chat & that called the uix_icons.less template. I've removed that code now so that should fix it.
  8. hkymre

    UI.X 2

    I'm getting servers errors for Template error: Macro public:uix_icons.less:content is unknown src/XF/Template/Templater.php:631 and also ErrorException: Template error: Template public:uix_icons.less is unknown src/XF/Template/Templater.php:663 A few last night & then 20 about an hour ago so...
  9. hkymre

    UI.X 2

    Hi Ian, That doesn't work as the addon has already added it there & without the extra attributes field being visible. I'm nearly there now using this code. in extra.less .p-navEl-link:not(.mdi):not(.fa), .offCanvasMenu-link:not(.mdi):not(.fa) { &[data-nav-id="siropuChat"]:before {...
  10. hkymre

    UI.X 2

    Hello, I've been trying to add a node icon for SiropuChat & failing miserably. The data-nav-id is siropuChat. I can see in uix.less the various definiations e.g. &[data-nav-id="xfmg"]:before { .m-faContent(@fa-var-image); <xf:macro name="content" template="uix_icons.less"...
  11. hkymre

    UI.X 2

    One other question - I'm using Siropu Chat & since XF 2.1 the icon is just a folder. Can you confirm how to change this please?
  12. hkymre

    UI.X 2

    Fixed my node icon issue In Style Properties Icons the Icon font was set to Font Awesome. Changed to Material & icons are displaying again.
  13. hkymre

    UI.X 2

    Just updated to but node icon issue remains.
  14. hkymre

    UI.X 2

    Hi Ian, I'm seeing it on UI.X child theme, and also UIX.Material child theme. The site is
  15. hkymre

    UI.X 2

    I've just updated to XF 21.1 & UIX and the forum icons are no longer displaying. If I change them to FA5 then they show ok, but any MDI ones don't
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