Recent content by goforyourdreams

  1. G

    XF 2.2 Activity Summary Only Sending To New Users

    I've enabled activity summary, and it started sending emails only to those users who joined after I enabled it. I doesn't send emails to those users who joined before me enabling this feature, even though they have the checkbox "Receive activity summary email" checked AND have been inactive for...
  2. G

    XF 2.2 RSS Feed For New Threads (Not The Updated Ones)?

    The RSS feed forums/-/index.rss shows the latest updated threads. Is there an RSS feed for newly created threads only? Thank you!
  3. G

    XF 2.2 "Activity summary" email trigger / how often?

    I enabled the "Activity summary" email several hours ago (to be sent to users inactive for 2 days) but so far nothing has been sent (the test e-mail was sent fine). What triggers this email and how often?
  4. G

    XF 2.2 Display links to latest threads below post?

    Yes, that's exactly what I'm looking for! Where do I get this plugin? I'm new to xenforo, I just installed it 2 weeks ago, so still finding my way around. Thank you!
  5. G

    XF 2.2 Display links to latest threads below post?

    Is there a way to display links to latest threads (or even better - similar threads) on the bottom of each individual thread page? For example, if someone finds a thread page on Google and goes directly there, I want them to see links to other threads they might be interested in when they...
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