Recent content by Ferdinand

  1. Ferdinand

    XF 2.2 Use HTML image mapping in page nodes.

    I tried to follow this for the page I was hoping to do this on. It's a little more complex now. <p class="noselect"> <img src="" usemap="#image_map2"> <map name="image_map2"> <map id="imgmap2024426141928" name="imgmap2024426141928"> <area...
  2. Ferdinand

    XF 2.2 Use HTML image mapping in page nodes.

    Yeah thanks it's 1180 x 1180 but adjusts with the user browser, it's the coordinates changing from whatever editor I am using.
  3. Ferdinand

    XF 2.2 Use HTML image mapping in page nodes.

    Is it possible? I have created a basic image map html but for some reason it will not work, even when the page is created using HTML: <img src="ldn.png" usemap="#image_map"> <map name="image_map"> <area alt="Gordon Hospital" title="Gordon Hospital"...
  4. Ferdinand

    Print friendly [Paid]

    Does this work with AMS by Bob? 🙏
  5. Ferdinand

    Referral Contests 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    Hi @Siropu I am having an issue with Referral Contests 2 conflicting with Advanced BB codes add-on. When a user comes to register the pop up registration box doesn't work and they are take to the page /register when they complete the form. If I disable Referral Contests 2, the error stops...
  6. Ferdinand

    Scroll past bottom of page with floating notice

    This conflicts with the cookie notice for me - I think I will need to either define a new element ".u-bottomFixer2" or edit the JS to ensure it doesn't overlap with the cookie notice 😩
  7. Ferdinand

    Scroll past bottom of page with floating notice

    Has this been corrected yet? @Chris D or @Kier, would you be able to fix this in 2.3 please? Could just be a change to core_utilities.less .u-bottomFixer from sticky to fixed EDIT: Although this interferes with the cookie notice.
  8. Ferdinand

    MG 2.2 Make XFMG title persistent

    How can I make the title for media items persistent rather than appear on hover? Could I create a different effect on hover like bg highlight?
  9. Ferdinand

    Advanced Bb Codes Pack [Paid]

    Just during upgrade, I haven't been able to reproduce. :)
  10. Ferdinand

    [OzzModz] Lessons [Paid]

    Perhaps we could work together on sponsoring an assessment element. A multiple choice quiz is just one element that is standard on LMS programmes. It's vital for us to only allow lesson 2 to unlock after successful completion of lesson 1. We also need the option for varied results to result in...
  11. Ferdinand

    Advanced Bb Codes Pack [Paid]

    I upgraded from 1.13.X and I have the following error. Error: Macro public:post_macros :: post_user_content() error: Call to undefined method SV\AdvancedBbCodesPack\Repository\BbCode::get() src/addons/SV/AdvancedBbCodesPack/XF/BbCode/Renderer/HtmlPatch.php:35 Generated by: Unknown account Feb...
  12. Ferdinand

    BbCode pages [Paid]

    When editing the page through the browser, a new line is added between, before or after header tags i.e. title The more times I edit then return the more blank lines get added?
  13. Ferdinand

    Create button BB code by default

    When inserting a URL link into the page, it would be really helpful if we could have an option for the URL to be made into a clickable button that is stylised like the <xf:buttton> html pages. I can't imagine it is a challenging thing to implement and it would be very handy for me.
  14. Ferdinand

    Advanced Bb Codes Pack [Paid]

    @Xon Do you think it would be possible to include the html button formats I am using within the bb code add-on? I could add them as custom BB code I guess, the problem I have is to have a gradient background on a text requires the <head> element
  15. Ferdinand

    Advanced Bb Codes Pack [Paid]

    The issue is the button elements cannot be managed in the BB code mode. When I try to edit in BB code in adminCP I get the error mentioned in the other forum. Is there a way to put the javascript or CSS within the page container or extra.less - Even when I copy the exact same page but save in...
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