Recent content by Epi

  1. Epi

    [OzzModz] Widget: Forum Threads Images Slider

    great addon. the slider in mobile seems to show 3 items no matter what you change in the settings?
  2. Epi

    [DBTech] DragonByte User Tagging [Paid]

    @DragonByte Tech Do the hashtags include the default tags like if you write #test it will also include the tags that are named test in the default system? I would buy if that's how it works or if you plant to implement it in the future. Thanks.
  3. Epi

    D.C Style - Thumbnail

    Sorry for the late reply, it's not an error but when there is a thumbnail of a youtube video in the thread list it takes pretty long to load, like 65 seconds. When I removed the thread with the youtube thumbnail it loads faster.
  4. Epi

    D.C Style - Thumbnail

    Something weird happens for me when I enable this plugin and try to click on a pagination link in a forum's thread list. It keeps loading endlessly. No idea why but it only happens when this addon is enabled and only on some thread list pages.
  5. Epi

    D.C Style - Widgets

    I think so yeah, the thumbnails show when you login as admin. It only happens to attachments, thumb proxies work.
  6. Epi

    D.C Style - Widgets

    @D.C Style thread thumbnails won't show to guests in widgets that aren't using the default layout because they link towards the admin.php image instead of the public view version. currently it's: /admin.php?attachments/image.png11111/ it should link towards: attachments/image.png11111/ I...
  7. Epi

    D.C Style - Thumbnail

    I changed it to 2550 to test quick and it works now, maybe changing to LONGTEXT would fix it also? Can't really control the length of an Image url i think. Anyways thanks for pointing where the problem was.
  8. Epi

    D.C Style - Thumbnail

    XF\Db\Exception: MySQL query error [1406]: Data too long for column 'DC_ThreadThumbnail_tempThumbUrl' at row 1 in src\XF\Db\AbstractStatement.php at line 228 XF\Db\AbstractStatement->getException() in src\XF\Db\Mysqli\Statement.php at line 196 XF\Db\Mysqli\Statement->getException() in...
  9. Epi

    D.C Style - Thumbnail

    Wow this is amazing, even better than the paid versions. A suggestion to add the thumbnails in search results would be great. It's free so I can't really have a right to suggest something though 😅 Fort the rest it's perfect.
  10. tester


  11. Epi

    [tl] Thread Custom Fields Links [Paid]

    the linked url will be the full url like: the url it links toward will look like : [tl] Thread Custom Fields Links [Paid] 1.0.3 So they don't look the same unless I do it wrong...
  12. Epi

    [tl] Thread Custom Fields Links [Paid]

    Does this link threads when you post it in the editor or only in custom fields?
  13. Epi

    [XFA] Thread Template - XF2 [Paid]

    @XFA could you add this for thread replies also? Willing to buy then thanks
  14. Epi

    Tag Essentials - with AI auto tagging and XFRM support [Paid]

    @Stuart Wright does this addon have a tag list in the front-end where users can browse all existing tags with pagination? thanks in advance
  15. Epi

    Multi Prefix [Paid]

    Oh didn't you could update thread from admincp lol
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