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    [OzzModz] Google Search

    True but it might be helpful to add some context as to what that is so new users understand this is a setting that must be changed. Hey that being said this is a great plugin, thanks for it!

    [OzzModz] Google Search

    Boy i wish that was in the description post, i was really confused about this.

    XF 2.2 Password Strength

    Okay i'll try that but this should really be part of the core.

    XF 2.2 Password Strength

    Bumping this one. We have evidence of a password stuffing attack that's turned a bunch of our dormant accounts into spambots. Xenforo really needs this feature. Users are setting weak passwords that are easily cracked and these accounts can slip right under our spam system.

    How does ES use RAM? Speccing new server.

    Thanks for this info, i will look into this. Recently, turning on this setting seems to have improved our search speed to acceptable levels ( single digit seconds at worst ) Turning on word stemming ended up worsening the search quality though.

    How does ES use RAM? Speccing new server.

    This article seems to indicate a way to shut off automatic geoIP updates. Wondering if anyone tried this and reverted to manual updates. In theory putting the forum into maintenance mode during a timed shutdown/update should suffice to prevent the overload...

    How does ES use RAM? Speccing new server.

    For the record, i have this issue also with a magento setup for another client; the fix is 2x automatic elasticsearch reboots per day; i think there may also be a geoIP database in play on that system too but haven't scoped it out as much as the problem on the Xenforo setup.

    How does ES use RAM? Speccing new server.

    Allright so here's the deal. We set the heap size to 8gb and it makes our search performance unacceptably slow. bare minimum for fast performance is 12gb of memory on our ~7 million post forum. So, less ram = more CPU usage. But this is exactly half our memory. We end up with 4gb of overhead...

    How does ES use RAM? Speccing new server.

    We changed that with great success. Thanks a bunch.

    XF 2.2 AppleBot - causing over 100,000 hits in 5 days - causing cpu limits to be hit

    Basically yes. And i think since robots.txt is a rulebook for either all bots, or specific ones, if they are not following the rules you set, they should be banned, I hope you did not set crawl delay for all to 20. If you did that, it might interfere with the bots that actually follow the rules...

    XF 2.2 XF 2.28 Patch with Elastic search only returning 400 pages

    Thanks guys for the great support, i'm sorry i came in here with a crabby attitude. What's the my.cnf setting for that? A quick stack overflow search tells me that this would work for innodb tables: [mysqld] innodb_ft_min_token_size=2 ft_min_word_len=2 But from what i see xenforo has a mixture...

    XF 2.2 XF 2.28 Patch with Elastic search only returning 400 pages

    Thank you so much. I'm glad this isn't an issue with the Xenforo software itself. If this results in significantly increased memory usage ( undesirable ), is it possible to revert to the mysql engine but force it to search for down to 3 character terms? I know this would probably result in a...

    XF 2.2 XF 2.28 Patch with Elastic search only returning 400 pages

    Thanks for the quick response. I understand the resource usage implications but again we have a lot of power, and we have senior PHP developers and a linux system administrator to help troubleshoot performance based issues. We have not gone so far as to try to patch code but we would be willing...

    XF 2.2 XF 2.28 Patch with Elastic search only returning 400 pages

    Turns out this 400 page limit correlates with a maximum of 10000 find results ( 25 x 400 = 10000 ) Setting it to 15000 still returns 400 pages. Without elastic search on on our development copy, setting the maximum results to 25000 gives 1000 pages as expected. How can i remove this artificial...

    XF 2.2 XF 2.28 Patch with Elastic search only returning 400 pages

    Hi there, having a serious problem with our forum. Some members have post counts in the 30,000+ range and in those cases we can only return 400 pages of those posts, or 10,000 of their posts. For certain users this can clip off >75% of their posting history when you search for all posts under...
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