Recent content by eazycheats

  1. eazycheats

    [DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce [Paid]

    Oh thanks - I guess I need to rebuy to get the update with this feature...
  2. eazycheats

    [DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce [Paid]

    Hi, is it possible to skip the add adress process while doing the checkout? Its also possible to change the meta settings for the store page? Good addon - we love it :)
  3. eazycheats

    Style Style, Template Modifications & Custom Pages

    Fellow Xenforo Developers and Experts, Im currently searching for someone who can do the following things for us: Change our Theme colors which match to with our product / logo (coporate design) Create / modify our home "tab". Were currently using XenPorta. Not sure if its the best for our...
  4. eazycheats

    [DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce [Paid]

    Im really happy with the addon. Im currently doing some optimization via google. How can I add a conversion tracker in the addon? There is no landing page after the payment is done. Is there a way where I can redirect to a page after payment is done?
  5. eazycheats

    [DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce [Paid]

    How can I create a product thread (digital product) where I also can post automatically updates (when I hit the release update button)?
  6. eazycheats

    [DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce [Paid]

    Ive some questions before buying. Does it work with user upgrades? Like someone is buying a digital product, can we add him for a time in a specific user group? Discounts, im working with some youtubers. Im I able to generate discount codes for them and check after a time how many code uses...
  7. eazycheats

    Nubia [Paid]

    Is there a way to remove that everything is in CAPSLOCK on the page. Like user are registering and or typing in the field but everything is on capslock... Cant find a option how to change it.
  8. eazycheats

    Mollie payment gateway [Deleted]

    Cant buy the addon cause my account didnt got confirmed yet... Any help?
  9. eazycheats

    Change account details before buying extension

    Hi, I have a wrong name and an incorrect email address in my account details. I opened a forum together with a friend years ago, he was looking after xenforo at that time. He got out and I went on. Now I face the problem that his name is still registered, but I need an invoice later on my name...
  10. eazycheats

    Chat 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    Already found the error. Chat was forced to youse http - its fixed by changing some rewritte rules
  11. eazycheats

    Chat 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    Hi, whats the solution for: The server has not responded in time 1 outdated template (forum_view) need to be outdated atm... thanks in advance!
  12. eazycheats

    Coinbase Commerce Integration [Paid]

    fixed the error but heres the next: An exception occurred: [Error] Call to undefined function GuzzleHttp\json_decode() in src/addons/nanocode/CryptoPayments/Payment/CoinbaseCommerce.php on line 91 #0 src/XF/Pub/Controller/Purchase.php(30)...
  13. eazycheats

    Coinbase Commerce Integration [Paid]

    Got the same error, anyone knows a way how to fix it?
  14. eazycheats

    XF 2.0 BB Codes (some of them doesnt work)

    I disabled all addons and activated the default style - not fixed :(
  15. eazycheats

    XF 2.0 BB Codes (some of them doesnt work)

    Hi guys, I dont know why, but some of my bb codes arent working. Everything is enabled, nothing is blocked. Example: The quote functions works nice. Also the code function. But the spoiler function didnt. Maybe someone knows an solution. Thanks
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