Recent content by Earl

  1. Earl

    Add API endpoint to set boardActive/BoardInactive

    check my add-on also this is not exactly what you're asking for, but take a look
  2. Earl

    s9e Media Sites

    I've failed to upgrade the add-on to the latest version. because of the error saying minimal requrement php version 8.0.0.+ I have php version 7.4 on my web server. please tell me highest version number I can get
  3. Earl

    s9e Media Sites

    I'm not sure about it, that's the reasons why I asked. I have that version on my website because, That's the final license I bought from themehouse, so I have to renew my license, and check lots of add-on compatibilities before I run upgrade. I don't wanna break the live website, and my...
  4. Earl

    s9e Media Sites

    Hi, please tell me if the latest update of this add-on is compatible with XF v2.2.6 Patch 2 or not?
  5. Earl

    XF 2.2 Add-on build failed

    I'm using this composer repo giggsey/libphonenumber-for-ph Is this a permission bug?
  6. Earl

    XF 2.2 Add-on build failed

    I have this in my composer.json { "require": { "giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php": "^8.12", "irazasyed/telegram-bot-sdk": "^2.0" } } and build.json { "additional_files": [ "styles/default/Earl/PV" ], "exec": [ "composer install...
  7. Earl

    XF 2.2 is \XF\Pub\Controller\AbstractController extendable or not?

    Hmm that make absolutely sense Unfortunately, there are only two references to the isDiscouraged() method in the whole xenforo code. One is from preDispatchType(). The other one is assertRegistrationActive(). There is no sign from any other specific controller because I believe the discourage...
  8. Earl

    XF 2.2 is \XF\Pub\Controller\AbstractController extendable or not?

    So technically there is no way to modify the behavior of isDiscouraged method. That's a shame.
  9. Earl

    XF 2.2 is \XF\Pub\Controller\AbstractController extendable or not?

    Hi, Do you have any suggestion for this?
  10. Earl

    XF 2.2 is \XF\Pub\Controller\AbstractController extendable or not?

    I am trying to override isDiscouraged method in \Pub\AbstractController class. Everything looks good, but debugger not pause the execution at the breakpoint in extended code. the method (isDiscouraged) in base class executed correctly, but at the end of the code, it does not jump into my...
  11. Earl

    XF 2.2 Find posts by max characters length?

    Found the answer $finder->whereSql('CHAR_LENGTH(message)<' . $value);
  12. Earl

    XF 2.2 Find posts by max characters length?

    Is there a way to find posts by max characters? I wanna do something like in this query SELECT * FROM xf_posts WHERE CHAR_LENGTH(message)<10; with $finder, something like public function isCharacterLengthLongerThan($max = 10) { $this->where(CHAR_LENGTH(message), '<', $max); return...
  13. Earl

    Not planned Media support for Spotlightr

    You might want to check this free add-on
  14. Earl

    Developer Tools

    Bug report: Priority: Low Environment: Development Environment: localhost PHP version - 7.3 on docker webserver: PHP built-in server User account used: The main Admin account. Installed add-ons: TickTackk\DeveloperTools Steps to reproduce: Method A: 1. log in to the admin panel 2. Click on...
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