Recent content by CleanTalk Team

  1. CleanTalk Team

    AntiSpam by CleanTalk

    Our developers were not able to reproduce the errors. Please try to delete the plugin completely, clear your website cache, and then install this version:
  2. CleanTalk Team

    AntiSpam by CleanTalk

    Thank you for your reports. Our developers will check this. We will get back within 1-3 business days.
  3. CleanTalk Team

    AntiSpam by CleanTalk

    Hello 6CrazyNinja, There's a new error again. Could you take another screenshot so that Stack trace is fully visible?
  4. CleanTalk Team

    AntiSpam by CleanTalk

    GeekyPhilip, please install the plugin from the attached archive, this should fix the error.
  5. CleanTalk Team

    AntiSpam by CleanTalk

    I see that the error is different now. We will analyze this and get back to you within 4 business days.
  6. CleanTalk Team

    AntiSpam by CleanTalk

    We've fixed the issue. It is necessary to uninstall the current version of the plugin and install from this archive. Here is our update guide.
  7. CleanTalk Team

    AntiSpam by CleanTalk

    We received the ticket, let's continue there.
  8. CleanTalk Team

    AntiSpam by CleanTalk

    Please, create a private ticket and copy-paste your question there for further investigation: Thank you.
  9. CleanTalk Team

    AntiSpam by CleanTalk

    Pl Please delete the previous version of the plugin completely and install this version anew. Did it work?
  10. CleanTalk Team

    AntiSpam by CleanTalk

    Thank you for the details. We'll check these issues. We will write back to you within 3 business days when we get any results. Please wait.
  11. CleanTalk Team

    AntiSpam by CleanTalk

    Hello @GeekyPhilip, Please try this version: Did it help?
  12. CleanTalk Team

    AntiSpam by CleanTalk

    Hello @mazzly @Roiarthur, Thank you for waiting. We've made big changes to our plugin that should fix these issues. You can download the new version from here: Copy the CleanTalk folder to your...
  13. CleanTalk Team

    AntiSpam by CleanTalk

    Hello, Thank you for your reply. Please give us 2-3 business days for investigations. We'll get back to you as soon as we have any news. Kind regards.
  14. CleanTalk Team

    AntiSpam by CleanTalk

    Did you try to re-install the plugin?
  15. CleanTalk Team

    AntiSpam by CleanTalk

    Hello, May know the version of the CleanTalk plugin installed on your site? Thank you.
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