Recent content by Chris D

  1. Chris D

    Not a bug Admin CP header site name linked to board url even if a home page url is specified in settings

    I can think of a lot of customers where this just wouldn't work. For you, sure, your home page is essentially XenForo. For most, any "home page" will usually be some other system entirely. Perhaps Wordpress, or some other custom front end that's not directly connected to the forum. Perhaps the...
  2. Chris D

    Not a bug Admin CP header site name linked to board url even if a home page url is specified in settings

    This is very much intentional. While it may work for some, it by no means would work for many customers, including ourselves! If we're in our admin control panel, we want that link to take us to the board URL, and not I just took a look at your website though and it has...
  3. Chris D

    Confirmed "Share this thread" not working as expected for Android browsers

    Nope, only the share icons on each post.
  4. Chris D

    Confirmed "Share this thread" not working as expected for Android browsers

    It’s supposed to match the behaviour of our native share tooltip. Besides, the behaviour is even worse on iOS. It skips the URL entirely. Probably because of the line break. But, still, it should be just the URL. Most apps will unfurl it to a proper title and icon anyway.
  5. Chris D

    Dark style border at bottom left of footer

    Just so I'm clear, what is that background image? Is that on the forum itself or is it your operating system desktop wallpaper or another window? I assume it's one of the latter ones. Which means I think the arrow in your screenshot is pointing to the bottom left corner of your browser window...
  6. Chris D

    Switching to new domain on XF Cloud

    If you run into any issues, submit a ticket, usually these things aren't too difficult to get to the bottom of if they go wrong.
  7. Chris D

    Confirmed "Share this thread" not working as expected for Android browsers

    Same on iOS to be honest which I discovered myself recently. Thanks for reporting so it being fixed doesn't rely on the off-chance of me remembering at some indeterminate point in the future 🫡
  8. Chris D

    Switching to new domain on XF Cloud

    Remember the process you followed to connect the current domain? It's basically that. From your customer area, the menu next to your Cloud subscription will have "Update custom domain". You have to go there, tell us what the new domain is, and it will tell you what DNS records you need to add...
  9. Chris D

    Fixed 2.3b5 TypeError: XF\Mail\Mailer::queue()

    It's a good question and that initially alarmed me but it's because the way we disable mail sending is actually not to prevent any of the code paths that generate emails, but rather we change the transport mechanism for mail to use a special NullTransport class. Rather than transmitting the...
  10. Chris D

    Confusing GUI behaviour when updating report

    Who is it confusing to, exactly? I don't recall hearing that feedback before, so I don't think the confusion is widespread, exactly. I don't agree it is confusing because the checkbox explicitly states its for "resolution/rejection" so logically it will only be sent if you are changing the...
  11. Chris D

    XF 2.2 Custom widget positions

    Widget positions can be added anywhere. There are quite a few we use that aren’t limited to sidenav and sidebar. The similar threads block under this editor on this page is a widget position.
  12. Chris D

    Turkish character problem

    We have some ideas on how to move forwards. Stay tuned for Beta 7.
  13. Chris D

    XF 2.2 thread title in xfes_widget_similar_threads

    The thread record is available in the $context variable so: <h3 class="block-header">Similar threads: {$context.thread.title}</h3>
  14. Chris D

    Turkish character problem

    We are going to look into this further after further consultation, but either way, I assure you it is not an SEO issue.
  15. Chris D

    Turkish character problem

    But that wouldn't be correct.
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