Recent content by Chernabog

  1. Chernabog

    [OzzModz] Verification Badges [Paid]

    Just updated and received this error in ACP. Wanted to share it in case it is important and/or something that wasn't known about -- thanks for all the hard work and effort you put into these addons @Ozzy47 Server error log ErrorException: Job OzzModz\Badges:UserBadgeUpdateQueue...
  2. Chernabog

    XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    Hey @Jaxel not to be a pain but I've gotten two of these errors, one today and one last Saturday. Have never seen them before and was wondering if you could provide some insight on how I can try to keep it from happening, or what exactly is happening? Thanks! XF\PrintableException: An...
  3. Chernabog

    [AP] Style Suite [Paid]

    Awesome thank you so much @apathy -- appreciate you!
  4. Chernabog

    [AP] Style Suite [Paid]

    Hi @apathy thanks for all the really cool add-ons! Will this work with the Themehouse ACE theme? (It's still available for free, if you need to see it), and will you be updating it to work with the upcoming XF2.3 release? Thank you!
  5. Chernabog

    [DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce [Paid]

    Smashing it with these add-ons! I am not familiar with that, (not to be a pain in the butt, perhaps I should ask in DM) and I just don't see where or how we could allow someone to have their credits be used to purchase an item in lieu of having to use real money?? ❤️
  6. Chernabog

    [DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce [Paid]

    @DragonByte Tech what's the chance of being able to allow people to purchase with "cash" or "credit" (DBTech Credits) in particular categories or products? We allow our community to earn credits for site activity so that people who cannot afford to pay for an item can 'earn it' through their...
  7. Chernabog

    [DBTech] DragonByte Social Groups [Paid]

    Thank you, I shall leave you be until you're doing your 2.3 updates :: rubs hands together :: :P Thanks, DB!
  8. Chernabog

    Report Reasons

    I'm not that smart - I wish I had an ounce of the skill you and others have around here for development. So many things I want to do, no knowledge to do it! :p I wanted to be sure that I felt an issue with the report button existed, so I went back through the forums and it seems I may have...
  9. Chernabog

    XF2 [8WR] XenRio 2 (Streams) PRO [Paid]

    That's disappointing! Will you keep us abreast if you'll be able to update XenRIO to work with YouTube (if Google doesn't screw that over - as you mentioned). Twitch is still great, and important for us to have as a gaming community. What's the chances of being able to pull in content from...
  10. Chernabog

    [DBTech] DragonByte Social Groups [Paid]

    Hey @DragonByte Tech has there been any update on the importers for Nobita and for the calendar integration?? Thanks!! ❤️
  11. Chernabog

    Report Reasons

    I am not sure if this is exactly needed, because we can include reasons that would cover any media content (e.g. inappropriate content - can cover both visual and textual content) -- but anything that builds upon and improves on this add-on (which is solid as it is) I would be interested in...
  12. Chernabog

    XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    Mine issue fixed once I had the member leave Discord and rejoin -- it took a little longer than usual, but the permissions did sync. Did you read Jaxel's replies above? I would also suggest that before having them leave and rejoin your Discord, that you make sure they disassociate and then...
  13. Chernabog

    Forum moderators [Paid]

    Hi @AndyB :) Long time!! Happy 2024 Let me just make sure, all this add-on does (which is still nice!) is to display the name of a selected moderator or moderators for a particular forum, it does not manage giving moderator permissions to the selected user for the forum, correct? Thanks!
  14. Chernabog

    XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    I'll try kicking them/removing them from our Discord channel then, and see if they can re-join and associate for a fix. Thank you!
  15. Chernabog

    XF2 [8WR] Discord Integration [Paid]

    That's in the database right, and then just delete any content that is sitting in the table for xf_user_connected_account? I looked in xf_user_connected_accounts and I see a bunch for every UserID THAN the person whose having the problem. I also looked in ACP and under his name, it says he's...
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