Recent content by bruce linde

  1. B

    XF 2.0 Images from Conversations aren't showing up in emails

    just found this thread... i have one on the same topic here: the problem is that SOME email alerts come through as 'quoted-printable', breaking the image links... and others work just fine. why?
  2. B

    XF 2.0 Attachments not showing in emails

    some of the email alerts come through as 'quoted-printable'... breaking the links to the attached images. other emails display the images correctly. any suggestions as to where might look to configure quoted-printable settings? or why this might be happening (other than karma)? thx.
  3. B

    XF 2.2 quote selected text inconsistencies...

    ok, more research done... apple mail uses quoted-printable to be more compatible with ms exchange... and in fact, some images show and others don't, all with the mail client using quoted-printable... so that's not the problem. one issue is that... at least for me... email notifications where...
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    XF 2.2 quote selected text inconsistencies...

    ok, just did some research... the full url IS coming through, but is formatted using quoted-printable... which breaks the url: <img src=3D"" class=3D"bbImage " alt=3D"1609702125698.png" title=3D"1609702125698.png" style=3D"max-width...
  5. B

    XF 2.0 Attachments not showing in emails

    funny... i had forgotten that i asked about this a while ago and came here looking for answers today! 8-) still getting some alert emails with images, some not. i'm using mac mail on my laptop, and have an iPhone 11 pro.... on both, when viewing source, the image tag is (for example)...
  6. B

    XF 2.1 reproducible 'replay to thread / multi-quote' error in chrome on MacOS and Windows 10

    is there a thread on how to track down bugs like this? or is it just 'start by disabling all add-ons and re-enable them one-by-one'? i will let our developers know... maybe they will have an idea as to what might be accounting for the issue. by the way... i reported is reproducible, which it...
  7. B

    XF 2.1 reproducible 'replay to thread / multi-quote' error in chrome on MacOS and Windows 10

    chris - thank you for responding, and your patience! 8-) i created an admin demo site, enabled multi-quote and was NOT able to reproduce. however i did notice some differences in what i was seeing: in the admin demo site... before enabling multi-quote... i got this... i.e., just a 'reply'...
  8. B

    XF 2.1 reproducible 'replay to thread / multi-quote' error in chrome on MacOS and Windows 10

    MacOS mojave (10.14.6) and windows 10: 1. launch chrome 2. log in 3. go to any thread and select some text... choose 'reply to thread' from mouse over tool tip... chrome's green left-to-right process bar will cycle endlessly, but nothing will happen 4. select some different text and this time...
  9. B

    XF 2.2 quote selected text inconsistencies...

    ok, just double-checked, and you're absolutely right... except that the old nomenclature is 'reply with quote' as opposed to 'reply to thread'. BUT... either way, you have one behavior clicking on the tool tip, and another clicking on the button... and while they say (promise) the same thing...
  10. B

    XF 2.2 quote selected text inconsistencies...

    we've got 'enable multi-quote' and 'enable select-to-quote' ON. multi-quote works as advertised... although 'add to multi-quote' might be a better mouseover tool tip than just 'quote'. the problem is with 'select-to-quote'... and that we're about to switch over to X2 and our users are used to...
  11. B

    [UW] Dropdown Hover Menu [Deleted]

    i have no problem with the price as long as it works on our xenforo2 message board. is there a way to try before i buy? any kind of refund policy if it doesn't work? we just want basic 'hover drops down the top nav menus' functionality. thx, bruce
  12. B

    The ... Button

    thanks for the info... but i got some kickback from the rest of the team. 8-)
  13. B

    The ... Button

    Just proves my point… I don’t really want to hit the like button on your post but I’d hit a self-acknowledging facepalm! :-)
  14. B

    The ... Button

    i just want a facepalm button next to the like button for our moderators... i.e., in 'reported posts', 'members under moderation', etc. 8-)
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