Recent content by BobbyWibowo

  1. BobbyWibowo

    [Endless Horizon] Advanced Open Graph [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  2. BobbyWibowo

    [Endless Horizon] Social Share

    It has been months since I had stopped using XF, so I just can't get myself to bring my add-ons to XF2 due to the lack of interest on my part. Especially since I won't be using them myself. After all, in the first place I made them because I liked the idea and wanted to use them myself.
  3. BobbyWibowo

    [Endless Horizon] Advanced Open Graph [Deleted]

    @jim83 If you don't mind, please DM me URL to the website that you tested the tool with. I tried to test another customer's site but there were no warning/errors at all, neither related nor unrelated to the add-on.
  4. BobbyWibowo

    [Endless Horizon] Social Share

    @scarecr0w12 oh yeah sorry, I kinda forgotten. I'll upload an updated version containing the fix in a few hours days.
  5. BobbyWibowo

    [Endless Horizon] Social Share

    @Ludachris I have never really tried it myself, but theoretically it should indeed work by simply adding: <xen:include template="share_page" /> anywhere appropriate to show the button.
  6. BobbyWibowo

    [Endless Horizon] Social Share

    @Lemminator Then I guess it's as simply as making the function returning void instead of false eh. It seems to have been fixed on your site, but maybe you can try this one too:
  7. BobbyWibowo

    [Endless Horizon] Social Share

    @Nirjonadda I see. I was expecting that XF2 would call the legacy uninstall method on upgrade, but now that I think about it, that'd be rather silly in a sense. Oh well, just look at the Install.php file of both add-ons then look up their uninstall() function. There you'll be able to find the...
  8. BobbyWibowo

    [Endless Horizon] Advanced Open Graph [Deleted]

    Check my reply on the other thread.
  9. BobbyWibowo

    [Endless Horizon] Social Share

    @Nirjonadda You don't have to worry about the orphaned data thing. Both of my add-ons will drop whatever columns/tables they have previously added on uninstallation.
  10. BobbyWibowo

    [Endless Horizon] Advanced Open Graph [Deleted]

    No plan to port this to XF2 as of yet. As for database, this add-on adds 2 columns to xf_thread table and adds a new table called xf_advog_log. You can see the queries used in /library/EndlessHorizon/AdvOG/Install.php, line 63~ for the columns and line 69~ for the table.
  11. BobbyWibowo

    [Endless Horizon] Social Share

    No plan to port this to XF2 as of yet. As for database, this add-on adds a column to xf_user_option table. Here's the query being used on installation: ALTER TABLE xf_user_option ADD COLUMN ehss_display ENUM('', 'standard', 'floating_l', 'floating_r', 'none') NOT NULL
  12. BobbyWibowo

    [Endless Horizon] Social Share

    @Lemminator (same, kek)
  13. BobbyWibowo

    [Endless Horizon] Advanced Open Graph [Deleted]

    @Lemminator I have no plan to port this add-on to XenForo 2 for the time being. Though I guess I'll look into it as soon as they release a Stable version.
  14. BobbyWibowo

    Help Pages Wrapper Manager

    Oh well. It's been months since the last time I used the add-on, and previously that patch would work just fine so I'm not really sure.
  15. BobbyWibowo

    [Endless Horizon] Advanced Open Graph [Deleted]

    Ah yeah, just look for this line: <xen:elseif is="{$avatar}" /><meta name="twitter:image" content="{$avatar}" /> and comment it out as well.
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