Recent content by BegemotUral

  1. BegemotUral

    [xBt] Random Quote [Deleted]

    There will be a new version, completely rewritten.
  2. BegemotUral

    [xBt] Random Quote [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  3. BegemotUral

    [xBt] Random Quote [Deleted]

    BegemotUral updated [xBt] Random Quote with a new update entry: [xBt] Random Quote 2.0.3 Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. BegemotUral

    Conditional Statements for XenForo 2

    Tell me how to make the condition of the position of the widget? For example, if the widget is in the "A" position, the title is displayed, if there is no header in the "B" position.
  5. BegemotUral

    [xBt] Random Quote [Deleted]

    Make an intermediate version where you can turn off adding photos, not long. I'll do it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Such functionality is not included in the plans, as it would be necessary to check whether there is a quote already added in the database or not. This would greatly...
  6. BegemotUral

    [xBt] Random Quote [Deleted]

    Yes, photos are needed. So far the download is manual, but now we are working on an update where this need will disappear. There will also be an option to turn off the photo when creating and editing a quote. The question is incomprehensible :( No, just a manual creation, no loading (If I...
  7. BegemotUral

    [xBt] Random Quote [Deleted]

    Do you think it's worth taking a photo of the author in the header, forum_list, forum_view and thread_view or making an on/off option in the style settings?
  8. BegemotUral

    [xBt] Random Quote [Deleted]

    Hi, it's in the plans, but the first priority is to make the download pictures through the quotes Manager, without the need to climb to FTP. On the other hand, we will implement your request, but only on the condition that the background will be selected independently. To be honest, I don't...
  9. BegemotUral

    XenForo 2.x Ukrainian Translation

    BegemotUral updated XenForo 2.x Ukrainian Translation with a new update entry: XenForo 2.x Ukrainian Translation 2.0.7 Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. BegemotUral

    [xBt] Random Quote [Deleted]

    BegemotUral submitted a new resource: [xBt] Random Quote - The plugin will allow you to display the widget with a random quote. Read more about this resource...
  11. BegemotUral

    [XD] Featured Threads Slider

    The version specified is incorrect. 1.4.0, instead of 1.0.4.
  12. BegemotUral

    XF 2.0 how to use xf-dev:generate-entity-dw

    Please explain. In the XF 1 add-on, there is DataWriter: library/Company/Addon/XenForo/DataWriter/Forum and library/Company/Addon/XenForo/DataWriter/Discussion/Thread If I understand correctly, using the xf-dev:generate-entity-dw, can be converted to the format used in the XF2. But you have...
  13. BegemotUral

    Alert Improvements by Xon

    A typo in the version of the addon.
  14. BegemotUral

    Can't fix When you copy and paste is added a space or a line break

    Wimdows 10x64 and Google Chrome 65.0.3325.181. This issue occurs only when copying xenForo --> xenForo.
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