Recent content by bctrainers

  1. bctrainers

    Ignore / Filter System

    Tacking in my support as an official feature (or addon) at some point in the future of XenForo's life cycle. Our forum members utilize(d) the vBulletin addon "Thread and Forum Ignore System" extensively. Having the ability to ignore a category/node is something i have seen used more than the...
  2. bctrainers

    XF 2.1 Search Threads without required keywords or 'posted by' input?

    Thanks - won't ask if there's plans to support it, got what I needed answered! :)
  3. bctrainers

    XF 2.1 Search Threads without required keywords or 'posted by' input?

    Hi, is it possible with the search under search type (/search/?type=post) set to posts, and be able to bypass keyword and posted by inputs and only search with "Newer than", number of replies, and limit it to a section of forums? On vBulletin 4, we could leave the keywords, username and other...
  4. bctrainers

    Warning Improvements by Xon

    When applying a warning, this is an error returned... Attached a screenshot of the options used. This is from upgrading to the 2.2.0 series from 2.1.14. FWIW, this is with XF 2.1 beta 3/4. Not sure if you're supporting 2.1.x series at this time.
  5. bctrainers

    XF 2.1 Reactions 👍 😍 🤣 😲 🙁 😡

    This will be amazing for analysis/sentiment reporting!
  6. bctrainers

    XF 2.0 VB4.2.x to XF2.0.10 - Import comes to a near-screeching halt at posts import

    As an update to my earlier post... It appears as if with every post parsed from the VB4 database and inserted to the XF2 install, the Reads per second increases exponentially. iotop doesn't appear to be showing disk throttling (this SSD is in use for the SQL), shows most of this is happening...
  7. bctrainers

    XF 2.0 VB4.2.x to XF2.0.10 - Import comes to a near-screeching halt at posts import

    Hi Mike, This is with that very addon, XFI 1.0.2. Have double checked the json file for what I downloaded in (Early) October 2018, and its 1.0.2. :)
  8. bctrainers

    XF 2.0 VB4.2.x to XF2.0.10 - Import comes to a near-screeching halt at posts import

    Just checked today's progress on this... - Step 16 of 25: Posts 42:15:18 [4,080,490] 55.25% Anyone have any ideas on how to speed up this process?
  9. bctrainers

    XF 2.0 VB4.2.x to XF2.0.10 - Import comes to a near-screeching halt at posts import

    Hi all, I've been in the slow process of importing a VB4 database to Xenforo 2 so that folks at the company I'm with can demo XF2 via an old snapshot. However, for the past couple of weeks, I've been running into an issue on my local development environment. On the importer, I used the general...
  10. bctrainers

    XenForo 2.0 Discussion

    As for #2, I tend to agree with this. Having custom reactions rather just a like button would be nice. Giving the end user that sort of freedom only enhances additional interaction between users (be it better or for worse between said users). Allowing users to agree, disagree, love, hate...
  11. bctrainers

    Fixed Forum input "required" texts, thread fields display location

    Hi, minor/small issues to report of. First issue is minor. The 'Star Rating' Option... "required" text is not title-case - shows as "required", does not conform to the rest of the required input text value showing "Required". Second issue is minor. Multi-Choice Dropdown does not show the...
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