Recent content by B~Napier

  1. B~Napier

    Microcart [Paid] [Deleted]

    Still no demo eh?
  2. B~Napier

    MicroDownloads Commercial [Paid] [Deleted]

    I made pretty significant changes in my version and now it ROCKS for my needs! Much thanks!
  3. B~Napier

    MicroDownloads Commercial [Paid] [Deleted]

    Using free version, let me know if these are already features in paid and I will probably upgrade: How can I remove the top tab and transfer the "Download Manager" as a link in a private forum so only a special user group can even see the download center? * Ok I fixed this by renaming /...
  4. B~Napier

    Premium Members BBcodes [Deleted]

    Make sure the users are set as the default usergroup - not a secondary usergroup.
  5. B~Napier

    [8WR] XenCarta (Wiki)

    It uses the .CSS of the board to match the styling I believe.
  6. B~Napier

    [8WR] XenCarta (Wiki)

    Well, I seem to be the only one posting here - but I added "Schema" tags to my template and wanted to share. Schema tags will help with SEO and allows Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others to understand your content better. The problem with my current content is that since the sidebar is the first...
  7. B~Napier

    'Keywords' Meta Tag by xenCODE [Deleted]

    Keywords are great, but they aren't what matters anymore. Schema and Meta Descriptions are big - I'm currently editing my templates in my Wiki to include Schema tags so that's taken care of.
  8. B~Napier

    'Keywords' Meta Tag by xenCODE [Deleted]

    "Meta Description" is still very relevant - it'd be huge to have that on a per post basis perhaps only by admin or moderator (or defineable). Similar to Wordpress - this way I can customize how Google shows my results for each post!
  9. B~Napier

    SEO Needed!

    Hey All, So here is the issue - when posting it would be very nice to be able to specify the Meta Keywords AND meta description of the post - specifically when posting things in the Wiki Addon (but it would be helpful with threads as well). Example of Search Results: DMS-1200 | CE Integrator...
  10. B~Napier

    [8WR] XenCarta (Wiki)

    Here is a new template I put together (not done yet) for product descriptions: Add CSS to Extra.CSS: .ProductWrapper{ width: 100%; position: relative; } .ProductImageContainer{ text-align: center; background...
  11. B~Napier

    [8WR] XenCarta (Wiki)

    Ok - well now that it is working and I made that stupid mistake :-P the next problem is that if you format the Wiki at all with premium codes in it, you will get a 403 forbidden - here is the patch for that problem:
  12. B~Napier

    Premium Members BBcodes [Deleted]

    Ugh - so these problems with not being able to format within the Wiki is killing me. Gonna work on a solution :) Ok well I fixed it.. kind of - it's a bad fix... but perhaps this will help you understand what it is cedric? So I noticed that the only page that has the 403 Forbidden Page was...
  13. B~Napier

    Get rid of an App's Tab

    LoL well I figured it out two minutes later... for Wiki you need to edit EWRCarta > Listener > Navtabs.php Remove: $extraTabs['wiki'] = array( 'title' => new XenForo_Phrase('wiki'), 'href' => XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('full:wiki'), 'position' => 'middle', 'linksTemplate' =>...
  14. B~Napier

    Get rid of an App's Tab

    So an app has a Tab that is automatically there - I don't want it there... I could delete the "extratab" code but that could screw me over in the longrun. Where would I remove the tab this app created? < want to remove the "Knowledge Base" tab
  15. B~Napier

    GoodForNothing Product Manager [Paid] [Deleted]

    Hello, I will purchase either way in the future. However, I was wondering if you ever plan to add the support for multiple users to sell? I would love love love this ability it would be so amazing to have it. I'd like to be able to setup a user as a "Seller" and they can then add...
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