Recent content by Ayanle

  1. A

    XF 2.1 I want to create a forum skin

    Since no one replied untill today I went ahead and started a course on html, then later css with the goal of being able to make a custom theme by July 12th. Thank you, I'll take you up on your offer.:)
  2. A

    XF 2.1 I want to create a forum skin

    Hi, I want my own forum skin, but I don't know how to make one atm, I want to learn to do it myself, how much time will it take and what do I need to learn exactly? Could I learn to do this in a month or so?
  3. A

    XF 2.1 What's the width of my forum?

    So length is 1200 and width is 1152? Thanks alot, btw how did you do that?
  4. A

    XF 2.1 What's the width of my forum?

    Hi, I'm new to this stuff. I just want to know where I can look in the admin cp to know the exact width because I want a banner for my website that covers most if not all the width.
  5. A

    XF 2.1 New members of my forum aren't getting email confirmations

    While I'm doing that can you tell me how I can find members who sign up but have yet to be registered? I need to confirm their membership manually in the mean time.
  6. A

    XF 2.1 New members of my forum aren't getting email confirmations

    I was just making sure, I made an email account in my cpanel with at the end. I also did all the above. Now I'll test it. This is what I got. I'm confused about this whole thing.
  7. A

    XF 2.1 New members of my forum aren't getting email confirmations

    The file doesn't open beyond this point.
  8. A

    XF 2.1 New members of my forum aren't getting email confirmations

    Do I create a php file in the file manager?
  9. A

    XF 2.1 New members of my forum aren't getting email confirmations

    It says the same thing, there is something wrong with the smtp server name.
  10. A

    XF 2.1 New members of my forum aren't getting email confirmations

    This is what I got. "Errors were encountered while trying to send the email." ++ Starting Swift_SmtpTransport !! Connection could not be established with host [Network is unreachable #101] (code: 0) I changed to my gmail account and edited to and...
  11. A

    XF 2.1 New members of my forum aren't getting email confirmations

    Done, thanks. Now I'm going to test if new members get an email confirmation.
  12. A

    XF 2.1 New members of my forum aren't getting email confirmations

    What's the difference if I use SSL or none? Btw I've switched to SMTP and done all the above steps.
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